He Is Who?

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Sorry this one is suuuuuper short. I'm trying to find a good place to cut it off so it doesn't end up into a whole bloody Robert Jordan chapter. I can't wait to release the next one!!

I sat anxiously on my bed, flicking a pencil through my fingers, my feet tucked beneath me as a bland French song played from my phone. 

"Carol!" shouted Billy, my biological father, "Do you want some dinner?" I thought for a moment, trying to clear the distracting thoughts as I mustered up the will to respond,

"Uh, not right now thanks, I have a call with my pack in a couple of minutes, I'll eat later," I heard him grumble before settling in front of the television to watch baseball. My internal monologuing was interrupted by the shrill ringtone and I twitched. 

"Caroline's phone," I answered into my flip phone, putting on a pair of flip flops and motioning to Billy I would be back soon as I slipped out the front door. The usual depressing Forks, Washington downpour had diminished to a slight drizzle with the occasional thunderclap. I didn't bother with an umbrella and snatched my rainjacket -even though it would hardly protect me from vengeful Forks' weather- and resumed my full attention to the phone call.

"Hey Ro," said Gabe, the most serious of my pack. "We're all here," he relayed, meaning that Peter and Charles were both within hearing distance most likely at the Diner, a place we usually hung out at.

"When are you going to be back?" shouted Peter from the background, "Gabe won't stop bossing me around!"

I sighed, feeling a semblance of the exhaustion that Sam must've felt frequently, "That's why I left him in charge," I said bluntly, "It looks like I'll be staying a bit longer-" groans of agitation crackled from the speaker. 

I cleared my throat, waiting for my pack to quiet down. "-because apparently my moronic half-sister is getting married in four days -to a vampire."

Silence met my ears before an explosion of sound erupted from my phone.

"Is she stupid?!"

"What moron-"

"¡Ella tiene un puto deseo de muerte!"

"Yeah, yeah I agree," I practically shouted into my phone, quieting the three boys. "But my darling sister wants to meet my pack, so she's having her rich-ass vampire fiance fly you guys over."

"No way!" shouted Peter, his blunt nature grating on my nerves.

"You're going. End of discussion. Don't make me come and haul your ass to miserable Forks." The underlying threat was clear as a growl worked its way into my voice. "I'll see you three in four days. Charles, please bring a tuxedo for your brother," 

The boys gave confirmation -albeit grudgingly- before the call ended. I had finally arrived at the Cullens' house where Alice was excitedly waiting -if you could call it that- to have me try on my Maid of Honor dress. 

I mean, I understand that Bella was 'upset' I left without telling her, but she isn't my mother and was being totally hypocritical.But FOUR DAYS OF ADVANCE BEFORE A FLIPPING WEDDING?! 
You should've said no, you had the ability but instead you felt GUILT -what is wrong with me- and accepted. You brought this upon yourself.

As I knocked on the glass door I took my last breath of freedom before I was brought to living hell.


¡Ella tiene un puto deseo de muerte!

She has a fucking death wish!

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