He Makes An Entrance

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Cue the evil grin. This is what I've been waiting for, I just haven't had the energy to write. But now, alas, here it is. EnJoY                   P.S this is her dress

S this is her dress

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"Moiazo me gamimeno narkisso." I said flatly. Glaring at the stupid dress in the full-body mirror.

"Fainesai oraia, Caroline," Carlisle contradicted. I tried to be angry at the dashing man but let it slide. It was difficult to be mad at the fellow linguist and the darned vampire knew just how to defuse me.

My shoulder-length black hair had been tortured up into a bun by Alice who had complained endlessly the entire time and my small feet had been shoved into even smaller flats. At this point, I was more of a danger to everyone around me than I was when I actually shifted.

I had managed to fend Alice off when she attempted to cake my face in makeup with the 'sensitive skin' argument. Her makeup wasn't even the right shade for my pale but simultaneously tanned-ish skin.

The satin sleeves revealed my Quileute tattoo that appeared once you phased, permanently grafted onto your skin. "I look like a literal mustard packet," I noted, still somewhat traumatized from nearly being forced into the tight dress. "I swear my ribs have rearranged to comply to this dress," I muttered as I stomped down the stairs.

"Damn! Our Alpha can clean up!" shouted Peter, startling me. With all the unending torture upstairs I hadn't even heard my pack arrive. Charles, Peter, Corvin (who had already been in Forks with me), and Gabe all looked quite dapper to be honest. The four boys wore the black tuxedos well, granted, Peter and Corvin had their ties loose around their necks.

"¿Cómo fue el viaje?" I asked, switching to Spanish for a more private conversation in the house of super-hearing vampires. "¿Algún problema?"

"Aparte de los fuertes ronquidos de Charles, no." Gabe replied dryly, shooting Charles a dirty look who raised his eyebrows.

"Bien chicos," I laughed. I had certainly missed my pack. "Supongo que debería presentarte," The Cullen family was already bustling around the house, coming and going which made it easy to point them all out.

"Esme is the one fretting about snacks for the humans," I gestured toward the kitchen, "Alice and Rosalie are upstairs worrying about Bella's hair and makeup, Emmet and Jasper are setting the final touches on clearing some trees, Carlisle's reassuring me I don't look like a mustard packet and the groom is brooding per usual." Several snickers from my pack joined mine along with a death glare from Edward.

"You do not have the appearance of a mustard packet Caroline," sighed Carlisle, his brows furrowing together in a concerned sort of fatherly way. I brushed the kind vampire off, instead ushering the four boys out. "You guys go get seated, the wedding is starting soon." As I shooed my pack out my feet complained about the pinchy-ness of the matching yellow flats I was wearing.

Glancing around to ensure Alice or Rosalie wasn't in sight I quickly slid the shoes off and stashed them in an umbrella holder, tugging my dress down to hide my bare feet. 

"We're starting!" Alice said frantically, tugging me into place beside Jasper who would walk me down the aisle as Edward's best man. 

"Try not to trip," he teased. "I don't know if yer' pack'll let me catch you without ripping one'a my arms off," I deadpanned at the southern man, my nerves jumbling around inside like when Corvin would shake a box of cereal.

Then, the processional music started.


The after-party was entertaining, to say the least. The twins -Corvin and Charles- ended up waltzing at one point with one another. Currently, a popular new song release was thumping through the speakers, leading the party to shout and dance erratically together. 

As I stood against one of the tall tables with a glass of sparkling water (Jasper had swiped the glass of Champagne I'd snatched)and observed the party, the newly married couple walked several people over to introduce me. 

"Caroline, this is Kate, Tanya, and Irina," Edward introduced, "Our cousins from Denali."

"It's a pleasure to meet more bunny munchers," I replied with a struggling straight face, sipping my terrible-tasting sparkling water. "I'm Caroline Black-Swan,"

"This is your half-sister?" asked Tanya, glancing me up and down. Bella nodded, looking like her usual uncomfortable self. I watched from the corner of my eye as the one Edward had introduced as Irina glanced at my tattoo with mounting horror.

"You are the one that killed him," she whispered. My enhanced hearing picked it up easily though. I was already cranky from being forced to wear a dress and having to socialize for more than three hours and retorted rudely,

"You're gonna have to be more specific, there's a lot of vamps I've killed,"

"You killed Laurent," she said, growing louder as venom filled her eyes in replacement of tears. "You murdered him!" I pushed off the table I was leaning against and stared directly into her vengeful eyes,

"Yeah, I did. And actually, I enjoyed it." I said slowly, my heterochromia eyes flashing as my wolf coiled beneath the surface, ready to attack, "Laurent attacked Bella and my duty then was to protect humans from the likes of you, so yes, I killed Laurent." Irina bared her teeth and took three steps threateningly before she was stopped by her two sisters.

"He wanted to live with me and was going to feed from animals! You are a liar!" she hissed.

"I am a liar," I said smoothly, unshaken, "but about this, I'm not." I could see the rage turning Irina's eyes black before she stepped back and dashed off into the forest.

"Way to go, Caroline," said Bella dryly, somewhat used to my antics by now. She and Edward left, leaving me alone once again. I was now nursing a migraine and closed my eyes to help. I felt a shift of wind beside me and whipped my eyes open, expecting Irina to lunge at me with her hands clawing at my throat but instead, I saw him.

He was of average height with ruffled black hair and a distinct smell of thyme, lemon, and parsley emanated from him. The black suit only accented his crooked smirk, raised eyebrows, relaxed posture, and red eyes. He grinned, his arms crossed in front of his chest,

"Hey, Caroline,"

"H-Hi, Demetri,"


Moiazo me gamimeno narkisso. (I look like a fucking daffodil.)

Fainesai oraia, Caroline, (You look lovely, Caroline)

¿Cómo fue el viaje? (How was the flight?)

¿Algún problems? (Any problems?)

Aparte de los fuertes ronquidos de Charles, no. (Other than Charles' loud snoring, no.)

Bien chicos, (Okay you guys,)

Supongo que debería presentarte, (I guess I should introduce you)

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