He Soon Becomes A Main Role

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"¡Mi amor! ¡Hay una carta para ti! Parece importante, es de una universidad?" Abuela asked, carrying a thick envelope. It was indeed fancy; with the coffee-stained effect (even though it was not, Peter had sniffed it when I wasn't looking) the fanciful script on the front spelling my name in a way that made me envious of the writer, and the wax seal. It was a deep red with rings of ivy accentuating the boldened V in the center of the wax. I stared at it curiously, turning it over in my hands before tossing it onto my desk.

"You're not going to open it?" asked Gabe, his eyes peering into mine. It had been three days since I last saw him smile -out on the run where Corvin, Charles, Peter, and he had introduced me to the vast expanse of hills that loomed so tall they threatened the namesake of mountains.

"I'll open it later. I've applied for a couple of colleges just to get Charlie and Billy off my back but wasn't expecting anything back this quickly," I shrugged, returning to Murder On the Orient Express. My bedroom was silent for all of two seconds before Corvin leaped from the beanbag in the corner of my room and made a grab for my letter. I snapped my head towards him and my heterochromia eyes glowed slightly as my annoyance brought my wolf to the surface. "Sit down." I commanded, Alpha power flowing heavily into my unintentional command. Corvin immediately dropped to the ground, effectively bruising his butt along with his pride. 

I shook my head, blinking several times to try and shake off the command. "Sorry, sorry Corvin," I apologized quickly, rubbing my temples with my spare hand as a headache threatened to take over. My arm would soon be out of the sling and I would be able to move about as fast as I wished with no restrictions. The run three days ago had left it a bit tensed, meaning the last couple of days had been relaxing to try not to injure or stress my arm more.

"I'm really sorry guys," I repeated, a heavy wave of annoyance at the fact I could barely control my Alpha voice.

"Hey, Cori, it's fine," Corvin responded, rubbing the back of his neck and giving me a bashful smile, "I shouldn't have dashed for your letter anyway."

"Statistically speaking," butted in Charles, his chocolate eyes sparking with interest whenever he was able to recite a fact, "You should have at least a 50% handle on using your 'Alpha voice' in less than three months." Peter smacked Charles on the back of the head, scolding him.

"Come on guys, it's time to go," Gabe told the three other boys who were now ridiculously wrestling on my carpet floor. "Cori needs some personal time. It will be beneficial to her health," I did a double-take, frowning at the backhand compliment-turned insult. 

"Hey! What's wrong with my health?" I shouted as Gabe hauled Peter to his feet and the twins bickered their way down the stairs. Gabe gave me an impassive expression while I pieced it together. "OH," I blushed bright red at my mistake. "Thanks for the time to read my letter, I'll see you guys tomorrow for our run," He nodded before heading downstairs, bidding my grandmother farewell before leaving the house to chaperone the twins and Peter to ensure they would stay out of trouble.

I stared at the letter for a second then spun around and rummaged through my duffel bag with my spare hand, searching for my pocketknife. I quietly cheered before seating myself at the desk and sliding the blade across the wax, effectively opening it. I put the knife away before gingerly pulling the items out. My brows furrowed as several pages of handwritten letters presented themselves. Who would have the time to write in such an elegant script? I was beginning to think this wasn't a mere college acceptance letter.

I grabbed the first page and began reading;

Dearest Caroline Black-Swan,

It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance even if only through a meager letter. I have heard much of your endeavors from multiple sources including; Edward when he was visiting, Alice, and now most surprisingly from one of my guards. 

Though you supposedly have never interacted, the bond between you both is astonishing according to my brother. I have spent the past four weeks searching our extensive libraries for even a hint of what occurred to you and have regretfully obtained no such information. However, with the absence of knowledge is the chance to gain it, and with this revelation, I wish to extend an invitation to you.

It would very much please my brothers and I to be graced with your presence within a fortnight. We wish to further explain that you will be able to leave the premises of your wish, your needs will be provided, and a simple understanding of peace will be reached. 

To express my personal gratitude further, a ring is encased. It once belonged to a pope of 14th-century France. This is but a tiny gift which I would be delighted to see adorning you if you decide to visit.

I await your letter excitedly,

Aro Volturi


¡Mi amor! ¡Hay una carta para ti! Parece importante, ¿es de una universidad? - My love! There is a letter for you! It seems important, is it from a university?

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