Chapter 2- The Night Before Christmas

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"(Yn)! Wake up!"

I groaned as my eyelids opened to see Charlie jolting me awake. "Charlie?" I groggily asked. "What are you doing?"

"I heard a clatter!" He quickly said.

I blinked my eyes at him. "A what?"

"A clatter! I think Santa is on our roof!"

I stared at my little brother for a moment, briefly wondering how many cookies he had eaten before I heard a strange 'thud' on the roof. Charlie quickly gave me an 'I told you so' look before we both hopped out of bed and dashed down the hall towards Dad's room.

Charlie quickly leaped onto dad's bed and began frantically shaking him awake. "Dad! Dad!"

Dad turned over in his sleep, groaning. "W-What?" He asked, clearly half-asleep.

"We heard a clatter!" Charlie exclaimed.

I nodded. "Someone's on the roof."

Our dad sighed as he looked at us. "What?"

"It's coming from outside!" Charlie whined.

"C'mon, let's go back to bed..." Dad said, slowly sitting up.

Another loud 'thud' came from the roof, and dad looked up before looking back at me. "Somebody's on the roof."

A glint of hope flashed across Charlie's brown eyes. "Maybe it's Santa!"

Dad quickly scooped up Charlie in his arms and plopped him down onto the bed. "Not now, Charlie." He sighed, speed walking to the door. Before leaving the room, Dad glanced back at me. "Stay here and don't let Charlie leave this room."

After dad left, Charlie and I glance at each other and smirked. "I'll get the coats; you get our shoes." I quickly instructed.

My brother nodded and ran out of the room. I followed suit, grabbing my winter coat and sliding it on over top of my (fc) pajama shirt. Charlie ran in holding our boots, and we quickly slid them on. The two of us darted out the front door, and I gasped at what I saw. Laying in the snow, was an unconscious man wearing a bright red suit with soft white trim. No way...

"You got him!" Charlie exclaimed, running over to dad, who was staring at the man in disbelief.

I looked at the scene in pure shock. "Is that guy okay?" I asked, joining my brother and father on the sidewalk.

"I-I don't know..." Dad nervously said. "Would you guys please stay on the porch?"

Charlie beamed. "It is Santa!"

I crossed my arms over my chest. "You killed him."

"Did not!" Dad said, quickly defending himself. "It is not Santa."

"Well...he was." Charlie sighed.

Dad ignored his son's comment and stepped closer to the mystery man. "He's got some ID on him, I bet." He kneeled beside him and reached into his pocket. "Fella, if you can hear me, I'm just looking for your identification."

I peered over dad's shoulder as he pulled out an expensive-looking business card. "I don't think this is a standard mall Santa, dad."

Dad looked at me before examining the card. "'If something should happen to me, put on my suit. The reindeer will know what to do.'" Dad scoffed. "Yeah right."

The ringing of bells filled the air. The three of us look up towards the roof.


On top of our room, were eight reindeer, all of which who were tied to a massive green sleigh.

Winter Dream (Bernard the Elf x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now