Chapter 30- The Baby's Coming!

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^^The picture above is the actual Santa costume Tim Allen wore during The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause. I got to see it on a traveling Disney exhibition thing, and I was kinda geeking out about it lol (I also got to see Jack Frost's suit, but I can't put in two photos in the same chapter so I'll be sure to stick it in one of the future chapters so you guys can see it ;))

Hi everyone!!

So fun fact about me, I have zero self-control and got too excited to keep writing this book and couldn't wait until next Christmas to add to it. So I'm adding to it twelve months before the holiday. This is my book, and I'll post fan fiction about cute elves whenever I want 😌
A couple of disclaimers tho, since I'm back in school I'll only be able to add new chapters every other day, so I'm super sorry for any disappointment that may cause. Also, as most of you know, Bernard isn't in the 3rd movie, so most of this book is loosely based on the 3rd movie so I could squeeze (Yn) and Bernard into the plot.

Alright...onto the show!!

Being married to Bernard was everything I imagined it would be and more. Right after the wedding, Bernard and I moved into a quaint little cottage on the edge of the winter woods, only a short walk away from the workshop and my dad's house. The cottage needed a little bit of renovation, but when you live at the North Pole, it isn't hard to find elves who can repair and build things.

Even though our home wasn't super big or glamorous, my husband and I both agreed that we never needed anything more than what we had. We loved the little cottage because it was ours. All of our hopes and dreams for one another were kept safe in these walls. The cottage became a protective fortress for our love.

I smiled to myself as I heard the door to the cottage open, and I set down the pen I was using to fill out a couple of reports on Christmas Spirit and its effects on the North Pole's magic.

"Snow Angel? I'm home!" I heard the all too familiar voice of my husband call.

I stood up from my desk and ran into the living room where Bernard was standing in the front doorway. Bernard smiled as I threw my arms around him. "Hey, B!"

Bernard wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me around a couple of times. "I missed you."

I gave him an apologetic smile. "Sorry, love. I needed to get those reports in for my dad. I am the North Pole Mage after all; someone has to fill out boring paperwork." I pecked his lips. "I hope you don't feel bad because I can't help you on your rounds sometimes."

He smiled. "Well, you always manage to make my job more enjoyable and lighten everyone's spirits when you enter the room. But, I also know how important your job is. You should manage your time how you'd like, and do what's best for you and your happiness. I don't want you to feel like you have to spend time in the workshop just to make me happy."

I gently cupped his cheek with my hand. "I'd much rather spend the day with you in the workshop any day of the week. I love spending time with you and the other elves." I sighed. "I just also want to make sure that I'm proving that I can help the Pole too, y'know? I want to have a purpose here."

"You do have a purpose here, Snow Angel. Your magic helps keep us safe and protects the North Pole. Without you, we would have no way of knowing how Christmas Spirit was doing or ways we could harness the magic to keep the SOS safe." He gently kissed my forehead and gave me a sweet smile. "Besides, you're the most important person in the world to me. I love you more than you could ever know and that will never change. With or without your position as a mage."

I felt my heart warm from Bernard's kind words, and I began to feel relieved. "Thanks, Bernard. That means a lot to me."

"I was only telling you the truth-"

Suddenly, the door to our house flew open and a couple of elf girls stuck their heads in. "The baby's coming!!" They cried.

Bernard and I looked at one another and gasped. Without another thought, I grabbed Bernard's hand and bolted past the elf girls and out the door.

Carol and Santa were having their first child together, and Carol was finally nearing the end of her pregnancy. Everyone was excitingly awaiting the new baby, and everyone was on edge considering that the baby was due to arrive any day now.

I for one was ecstatic to meet my new little brother or sister, and everyone at the North Pole was well aware of that fact. When I wasn't practicing my mage duties or spending time with Bernard, I was at my Dad's house keeping Carol company and helping her with tasks around the house. We had grown extremely close over those past nine months because of her pregnancy.

Finally, Bernard and I managed to track down my Dad and Carol; it wasn't much of a challenge to find them due to the mob of screaming elves rushing down Main Street. As we reached the crowd, I took into the sky so I could get to Carol. I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and smiled as I hovered beside her. "I'm here Carol!"

She saw me and her blue eyes flooded with relief. "Oh, (Yn)." She spoke with heavy breaths. "I'm so glad to see you."

"Ladies, keep up!" My dad spoke to the nurses as he pushed Carol down the street in a hospital bed. "We need hot water and a lot of ointment!" He turned to one of the nurses. "You, think sugar plums. Do not panic!!"

"Do not panic!" Bernard shouted to the screaming elves.

"Curtis, the baby's coming," Dad announced as Curtis ran up to the crowd.

Curtis passed on the message to another elf. "Cocoa, the baby's coming."

"Mrs. Claus, the baby's coming," Cocoa told Carol.

"I know!" She cried.

"Deep breaths!" Santa tried to say in a comforting voice to mask his panic.

As the traffic elf tried to clear a path for Mrs. Claus, the mob of elves only grew larger. An elf hauling a sled of presents walked across the street, and Carol screamed in horror and braced herself for impact as we came closer and closer to the sled. "GET OUTTA THE WAY!!!" Bernard hollered.

By some miracle, we finally made it to the elfirmary in one piece.

"Oh. Oh, Scott." Carol panted once we finally made it into the delivery room.

I took one of Carol's hands and tightly held it. "It's okay...deep breaths," I spoke in an attempt to calm her nerves.

"Everything's gonna be all right," Dad reassured.

Bernard looked around the crowded room. "Where's Dr. Hismus?"

"Oh, oh, Scott." Carol softly said in a calm tone.

"I'm right here, babe." Dad patted her shoulder. "I'm right here. It's all right."

Carol took a deep breath, still panting. "Honey, I'm afraid it was a false alarm."

"Again?" Dad asked in disbelief.

Annoyed groans left the elves who were crammed into the tiny delivery room. "I stopped a pedicure for this?" One of them said with disappointment.

As the elves cleared out of the room,  Dad sighed. "That's the second time now!"

Curtis crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm starting to think that baby's never going to come..."

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