Chapter 24- A Glimmer of Hope

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"What if we tried breaking down the door with the couch?" I suggested as Bernard and I were once again trying to kick the door down. We had been trapped in the cabin for four days now, and today was Christmas Eve. Our nerves were on edge, and we were getting desperate.

"It's worth a shot." He spoke, already walking across the room to the big couch. I followed suit, and we both grabbed either side of the couch. "On three, we lift it. One...two...three!"

We slowly attempted to lift the couch, grunting as we did so. My muscles ached from trying to pick up the hefty piece of furniture. Slowly the couch slightly ascended off the ground, but neither one of us could hold it for more than a few seconds. The couch dropped from our grasp and hit the floor.

Bernard groaned and buried his head into his hands. "This is hopeless!!" He cried. "It's Christmas Eve and we're still stuck in this stupid cabin!" He kicked his foot against the leg of the couch.

I could tell how frustrated he was becoming as I watched him. In my years of dating Bernard, it didn't take long for me to realize that the head elf took his job seriously. When I first met him, Bernard was driven to be the best head elf he could be, and he prided himself on perfection. Over time I discovered just how close to exhaustion he pushed himself so that he could make every Christmas perfect. Not only did he work himself to death, but his lack of rest lead to him always being grumpy and short with everyone around him. Once we started dating, his mental health slowly started getting better over the years, and he had become a kinder, less stressed elf than he had been when I first met him. He had greatly improved since our first encounter.

But even though I had been able to help him learn to step back and take more time for himself, he still occasionally had bad days.

Today was one of those days.

"Bernard we'll get out of here. We won't be trapped forever." I gently spoke, trying to give him some reassurance.

"But I'm the head elf! It's my job to keep the elves safe, it was my job to watch fake Santa so he didn't get outta control, and it's my job to make sure Christmas runs smoothly! I've failed, (yn)." His voice broke and he looked away from my gentle gaze. "I couldn't even keep you safe. I...I failed you."

"Oh, B..." I softly spoke. My heart broke for my boyfriend. "You could never fail me. I love you, and that will never change." I wrapped my arms around his torso. "It's not your fault that toy Santa got out of control, and it isn't your fault that I got caught. You're just one of the victims of unfortunate circumstances."

Bernard tightly hugged me back. "But it still happened. I'm supposed to look out for everyone, and now the elves are alone with an evil Santa Claus."

"I know that you're the head elf, and I know that you take that job seriously, but that doesn't mean that it's always all on you." I rubbed his back. "It's not your fault." I slowly pulled away from the hug and lovingly stared into Bernard's eyes. I tucked one of his black curls out of his face. "And you aren't alone in this. I've got your back. I always have, and I always will. We'll figure this out."

Bernard looked at me with worried eyes. "You seem confident."

"C'mon, have I ever steered you wrong?" I smirked.

The head elf chuckled ever so slightly. "I see what you did there."

I quickly pecked him on the lips before giving him a determined smile. "You ready to bust out of here and kick some toy Santa butt?"

Bernard grinned. "You'd better believe it."

The two of us looked at the door and then at each other. We both nodded in sync. We had the same idea. Running as fast as we could, we headed for the door to the cabin, ready to break it down with all our might.

Suddenly, the door swung open and we screeched to a stop. A short figure stood in the doorway, a long evergreen cloak and hood covering their face. One look at their pointy shoes told me they were an elf, and I felt my nerves ease up a bit.

The figure lowered their hood, revealing long, thick, copper-brown curls. Bernard and I beamed. "Betty!!" We exclaimed, running over to the elf and immediately engulfing her in a hug.

Betty stiffened from the sudden contact and awkwardly patted our backs. "I'!" She managed to squeak out since we were hugging her so tightly.

"How did you find us?" Bernard questioned as he parted from the impulsive hug.

"It wasn't easy." She said in her typical monotone voice. "The fake Santa has been keeping us working day and night. Yesterday, Noel created a distraction in the workshop allowing me to slip away and search for you guys."The elf explained. "Luckily, I was able to follow your footprints in the snow, and they led me here."

"You're a lifesaver, Betty!" I smiled at her.

She didn't smile back and crossed her arms over her chest. "Where's Santa? The real Santa."

I nervously fidgeted with my hands. The guilt I felt from lying came flooding back to me. "He's looking for a wife," I confessed.

Betty's eyebrows rose. "What are you talking about?" She questioned.

"There's another clause," Bernard spoke. "If Santa, the real Santa, doesn't find a wife by Christmas Eve, he'll turn back into Scott Calvin and cease to be Santa. Since he had to go south to find a wife, Curtis had the brilliant idea to make a copy of Santa so the elves wouldn't know he was gone."

"Why would he do that?"

I sighed. "My dad didn't want to worry you guys."

Betty nodded her head "That sounds like something he'd do..."

"The issue is that we have no way of contacting the real Santa to figure out why he hasn't come back yet." The head elf sadly said.

"Curtis took one of the E.L.F.S. jet packs out yesterday. He said he was going to find Scott." Betty explained. "He wanted to 'make things right.'"

"Oh, Curtis..." Bernard shook his head.

"Then that means that all hope isn't lost! All Curtis has to do is find my dad, and bring him back here! If anyone can stop toy Santa, it's the original Santa." I exclaimed.

Bernard grinned. "You're right!!" He glanced at Betty and then back at me. "We need to get back to the workshop ASAP!"

"I know a shortcut!" Betty offered.

"Lead the way!"

Winter Dream (Bernard the Elf x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin