Chapter 26- The Battle

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As we flooded out the doorways of the workshop and into the town square, we all stopped dead in our tracks. In front of us, were dozens upon dozens of toy soldiers, standing in formation ready for battle. Suddenly, the elves' cheering subsided. We were surrounded.

The head elf assessed the situation and took a deep breath. "Snowballs, on three!!" He shouted. "ONE!"

All of us bent down and began scooping up snow and packing it into firm spheres.


My heart raced as we stood back up and prepared to throw the snowballs.

Bernard glanced at me, looking slightly unsure. I gave him a small smile and nodded. Bernard turned his head back to the soldiers. "...THREE!!"

We all launched our snowballs at the toy soldiers, cheering as we did so. As we pelted the plastic army, I quickly realized that our snowballs weren't accomplishing anything. If anything, we were only making them angry. When we ran out of snowballs, we hadn't managed to take out even a single soldier. The elves nervously glanced at Bernard, looking for further instruction.

The soldiers started marching towards us, and Bernard swallowed the lump in his throat. "Okay, elves!!" He announced, "Let's get 'em!!"

The elves all began charging toward the soldiers, once again letting out battle cries. I was blown away by their bravery; even though they were so small, they would stop at nothing to defend their home and Christmas. As the elves fought against the soldiers, I suddenly had an idea. I dashed over to my boyfriend and grabbed his hand. "B, I have a plan, but I need your help!"

Bernard didn't even need me to elaborate before he put his trust in me. "Lead the way!" He exclaimed.

I ran with Bernard through the battle, swerving around elves and soldiers. Finally, we made it into one of the snow gear sheds. I flipped on the light switch and darted over to one of the shelves and grabbed two helmets. I tossed one to Bernard. "Put this on." I quickly spoke, scouring the shelves for an emergency kit. My eyes lit up once I found one, and I opened it faster than a kid opened up presents on Christmas morning. I pulled out a roll of emergency ribbon.

Bernard stared at me as he put his helmet on. "What are you planning?"

I mischievously smirked at him as I began tying the red ribbon onto two yellow snowmobiles. "I thought we could trip them up." I sat down on one of the snowmobiles. "Are you coming?"

Bernard smirked back at me and chuckled. "Now, that's naughty."

As Bernard sat down in the other one of the snowmobiles, we revved them up and took off into the street. We zoomed back into the town square, whooping and laughing as we strumbled the toy soldiers with the red ribbon tied in between our snowmobiles. "Take that!!" I shouted as the soldiers toppled to the ground, breaking apart on impact.

I glanced over at Bernard, who was cheering like a little kid. I smiled, feeling my heart warm up from his behavior. I couldn't help but think, Gosh, he's so cute!!

Bernard and I pulled over and watched as elves bravely fought, operating tools to dismantle soldiers, utilizing their size to their advantage by hiding in doorways that the toys couldn't get into, and even using silly spray to take out the soldiers. I grinned to myself when I noticed Charlie going around saving elves who were in trouble, and even managing to knock out a couple of soldiers all on his own. Even Carol was defending some of the elves. As everyone heroically fought, Bernard and I watched with pride, before revving up the snowmobiles and taking off once again.

Suddenly, Santa's sleigh came crashing down from above, with both Dad and toy Santa inside. The sleigh bashed into one of the stone staircases that led into the upper level of the workshop, and toy Santa went flying forward and toppled onto the stairs in a sad heap of wax and rubber. As the elves swarmed toy Santa, Bernard and I helped my dad out of the sleigh.

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