Chapter 16- Elfcon 1

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It was a November day like any other. The elves were happily building toys in the workshop, the reindeer were practicing their takeoffs and landings, and Santa was already making and checking his list. I was helping Bernard make his rounds when one of the command center elves came running up to us, a worried look in his eyes. "Bernard, (Yn), we have a situation."

"What is it, Tommy?" Bernard asked.

The worried look on Tommy's face grew. "There's a plane coming our way. It's going to pass right over us!"

Bernard and I glanced at one another, fear in our eyes. "We need to get to the control center," I spoke.

Tommy led us down the hall and into the control center, where several elves in striped shirts and navy berets were already frantically working. Bernard glanced around the room when we arrived. "What's the status of the plane?" He firmly asked, getting straight to business.

"They're coming right at us!" One of the elves exclaimed.

"Take us to Elfcon 3!" Bernard commanded.

One of the elves nodded and grabbed a phone. "Take us to Elfcon 3."

Bernard hopped into one of the control center's chairs and began pushing buttons and pulling levers, worry never leaving his face. We examined the radar for a moment, but the plane continued to come our way.

"They aren't stopping..." I nervously spoke.

"Take us to Elfcon 2!" Bernard announced. He turned around and looked at me. "(Yn), you know what to do."

"On it, B." I nodded, already dashing out of the room. I ran down the hall and out into the now-silent village square. I leaped into the air and began soaring through the sky. I quickly flew down the various streets and alleyways of the village, listening for any noise that the elves may have been making. Suddenly, the faint sound of singing filled my ears. With worry filling my bones, I flew as fast as I could toward the sound, right as the alarm for Elfcon 1 went off.

The noise led me into reindeer stables. A couple of the elves noticed me and pointed to the sleigh in the center of the room. I saw two small elf shoes poking out from inside the sleigh, kicking up and down to the beat of Santa Claus is Coming to Town. I flew over to the sleigh and peered inside to find Curtis, the head elf in training, jamming along to a singing and dancing Santa doll. I quickly pressed the off switch and put a finger to my lips.

Moments later, my Dad and Bernard entered the room, obviously trying to find the source of the noise. They approached us, and Bernard glared at Curtis.

A few moments later, an elf came on over the loudspeaker. "We're at Elfcon 4! All clear!" He announced.

We all breathed a collective sigh of relief at the news, and the elves began to chatter amongst themselves.

Dad looked down into the sleigh at Curtis and gave him a weary look. "Curtis, what do you say we get you headphones this Christmas?" He looked back up at the other elves in the room. "It's all right, everybody. Let's get back to work."

As Santa began walking away, Bernard scowled at Curtis. "Curtis, you're nine hundred years old. Grow up!"

Curtis frowned at him and I sighed. "Curtis, we aren't mad at you-"

"Speak for yourself." Bernard interrupted, not taking his eyes off the head elf in training.

I ignored Bernard's comment and continued. "You just need to be more...considerate."

Bernard and I looked up when we heard Dad speak up. "(Yn), Bernard."

Bernard sighed and we followed after Santa, Curtis trailing behind. As we caught up to my Dad, Curtis scurried after us to keep up the pace. "You know I didn't break any of the rules, according to The Santa Handbook-"

The head elf scoffed and interrupted him. "The handbook! Curtis, do you go pee-pee with that thing?"

Curtis ignored his comment and continued talking. "It says elves are encouraged to listen to music. It makes them more creative, more productive, and more alert."

This time I interrupted Curtis. "LOOK OUT!" I exclaimed. We all dropped to the ground as Chet, the reindeer Bernard and I rescued back in the spring, came zooming over us, flying much too close to the ground.

We slowly stood up as Chet flew over the town hall, happily chattering. A moment later, we heard him gasp in surprise, followed by a loud 'thud.' I winced. "That's got to hurt..."

"Is he alright?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, he'll be okay," I replied. I knew that at this point Chet was used to falling way more than flying.

"Wow. That's gonna leave a mark. Ouch. Is that Blitzen? Looks like Prancer. Who was that?"

I grinned. "It was Chet, a reindeer in training."

"Oh." Dad scoffed. "Well, please tell me that it's early in his training."

I frowned. "He's a baby!"

Dad sighed. "Baby or not, that was a nice fall." He patted Bernard and me on our shoulders and walked away.

Once Santa was out of earshot, Bernard leaned down toward Curtis. "Curtis, when are you gonna tell him?"

"Not now!" Curtis firmly said.

"Tell Dad what?" I asked.

Curtis and Bernard nervously glanced at each other. "Uhhhh...tell him that Curtis ate all of his cookies!" Bernard quickly said.

"Exactly!" Curtis spoke.

I raised an eyebrow at the two, not believing their story in the slightest, and scoffed "Really? Do you honestly think I'm going to buy that?"

"Umm, yes?" the head elf in training said, unsure.

Bernard sighed and gently took my hand and led me away from Curtis. "Look, (yn), I'll be honest with you. You gotta promise not to freak out though, okay?"

I chuckled. "I've seen some crazy stuff, B. Whatever it is, I'm sure I can handle it."

"Curtis was reading the handbook, and he discovered another clause." Bernard began.

"Isn't that just me? I thought I was the other Claus."

He shook his head. "No no no... like another clause. Another part of the contract."

"Really?" I felt a bit nervous. "What does it say?"

"Long story short, it means that your Dad has to get married by Christmas or else..." Bernard trailed off.

My heartbeat quickened. "Bernard? You're scaring me. Or else what?"

"Or else...he can't be Santa Claus anymore." He doesn't make eye contact with me. "And if your Dad isn't Santa anymore and turns back into Scott Calvin..."

"I'll turn back, too..." I could feel my heart fall into the pit of my stomach. "...and we can't be together."

Just when things were finally going right, my entire world was once again ripped out from under me. I sensed a growing dread entering me. It felt like someone took a hammer and smashed it through the stained-glass window of my life. My knees were weak. My breathing quickened.

Before I had a chance to enter a full-blown breakdown, I felt Bernad's arms wrap around my torso. He rested his chin on my head and rubbed small circles on my back. "We'll figure this out, Snow Angel." He whispered into my ear. "We won't let this happen."

I hugged him back as the comforting smell of gingerbread filled my nostrils. "O-Okay."

Winter Dream (Bernard the Elf x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora