Chapter 38- Shattered Reality

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:-:3rd Person POV:-:

~• 12 Years Ago •~

As Santa Claus and Jack Frost fell from the sky into a snowbank, Santa heard a familiar sound that he remembered all too well.

"Ho ho ho!"

He glanced around, and a gasp left his lips. This was the night that he put on that red coat and became Santa Claus. Jack Frost tricked him and now they had gone back in time twelve years to the very Christmas Eve when Scott Calvin's entire world was flipped upside down.

"Hey, you!" Jack Frost suddenly shouted up to Santa Claus.

Santa Claus looked at him with surprise, before losing his footing, causing him to slip and go tumbling off the roof and into a pile of snow. "Ho ho...Uh-oh!" He screamed.

Jack Frost grinned maliciously as the old Santa disappeared, leaving an empty Santa suit behind. He began speed-walking towards it, only to be tackled to the ground by Santa. "Get off me, blubber ball!" He angrily demanded.

"I will not let you put on that coat!" Santa exclaimed, pinning him to the ground.

"Oh, yeah? Watch me!"

Santa stood up and made a run for the coat. "Don't even think about it, Jack!"

Suddenly, Jack Frost cut Santa off and smacked him in the face with a shovel. As Santa fell backward, Jack grabbed the red coat and slide it on over his suit, the wide smile never leaving his face.

Santa groggily sat up. "You hit me with a shovel!"

As Jack Frost tightened the belt around his waist, he watched as Santa's face filled with horror. "Adios, fatty!" He sneered.

"No, Frost, no!!!" Santa cried as the two of them disappeared in another puff of glitter.

~• Present Day •~

Santa found himself in a depressing office building, no longer looking like Santa Claus, but like his former self, Scott Calvin. His heart dropped as he stared in the mirror. "Oh, no..."

"Okay, so, the Mississippi factory needs to know if we want them to ship 100,000 units or 200,000." Scott was snapped from his thoughts as he glanced over to see a man in a suit who he assumed to be an assistant of some kind, speaking to him. "They won't ship tomorrow because it's Christmas," The man continued. "but they will ship Thursday, which means-"

"Excuse me?" Scott cut him off. "You said they're not gonna ship tomorrow because it's Christmas?"

"Yes, sir." The man nodded.

"This is Christmas Eve?"

"Yes, sir."

"What are you doing?" Scott questioned, walking over to the massive office window that overlooked Chicago. "Why are we working?"

The man stared at him as though he was insane. "We always work Christmas Eve."

"We do?"

"Of course."

"Well, that... that's ridiculous." Scott scoffed. "Christmas Eve is when you spend time with your family...Where's my family tonight?"

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