Chapter 33- Lucy's Request

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Bernard and I snuggled close together as the sleigh soared through the chilly night sky. Dad was going to Mom and Neal's house to say goodbye to Charlie before he went on a skiing trip with his girlfriend's family for the holidays, so obviously I was coming along. Much to my delight, Bernard also decided to join us because he wanted to visit his family-in-law. It always made me happy when he made an effort to get to know my family.

As Chet and Comet landed in the backyard, I could hear them angrily chattering at one another. "Are you two fighting?" I asked with amusement as Bernard and I climbed out of the sleigh.

"Boys, boys, save it for the stables, alright?" Bernard sighed, gently stroking Chet's fur in an attempt to calm him down.

"Look there. They got a new roof!" Dad said to distract the reindeer.

Comet farted in response, and Dad rolled his eyes. "Comet! Next time we fly, go easy on the alfalfa, will you?" He scolded.

"Uncle Scott, (Yn), Bernard!" My little step-sister Lucy happily exclaimed, running out the back door of the house towards us. She skipped up to Dad first, wrapping him up in one of her signature warm hugs.

Dad smiled and hugged her back. "Hey, Luce. There we are. There it is."

"All warm?" She checked.

"Just like magic." Dad winked. "You have the warmest hug in the world."

As Mom, Neal, and Charlie followed Lucy outside, I went over to greet my mom and stepdad. The two of them pulled me into a group hug; I smiled. "I missed you guys!!"

"We missed you too, (Yn)," Neal spoke. "It's nice to see you again."

Lucy then ran over to Bernard and me. "Hi, (Yn)! Hi, Bernard!!" She greeted.

Bernard got down on his knee to be at eye level with her. "Hiya, Lulu! Have you been good this year?" He asked, ruffling up her bright red hair.

She giggled and pushed his hand off of her head. "Yes!! I've been super nice, I've been helping mommy and daddy with chores around the house, and I've even been getting good grades in school!"

Bernard nodded his head in approval. "Very impressive. Well, I was going to wait until Christmas, but I think you deserve to get this early." He spoke, reaching into his satchel. "Hold out your hand, okay?"

Lucy did as she was told, and smiled excitedly. Slowly, Bernard took out a snow globe with an ornate rose gold base and placed it in the small girl's hand. Lucy's eyes lit up when she laid eyes on the snow globe. "A snow globe!?"

Bernard smirked. "No, not just any snow globe...shake it up, Lulu."

Lucy shook the snow globe and watched the white flecks of snow swirl around inside the glass sphere. The snow globe scene showed Lucy, Charlie, Mom, Dad, Neal, Carol, Bernard, and I standing in her living room, helping them decorate their tree. "It's magic!!" Lucy exclaimed. "It's my whole family!!"

"Make sure you take very good care of it," Bernard informed.

Lucy nodded. "I will. I promise, Bernard."

The head elf smiled at her. "'Atta girl."

Lucy beamed from ear to ear, and she quickly embraced the elf. "Thank you, Bernard! Thank you so much!"

I felt my heart warm as the scene played out. I loved watching the way my husband interacted with children. I always adored the kindness he showed little kids; ever since he gave Charlie his snow globe the night we first met. He was usually so stern and bossy around anyone besides me, but when it came to kids, Bernard was a massive softie.

Winter Dream (Bernard the Elf x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя