Chapter Five

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It was finally the night that we were all going to see Eddie's band Corroded Coffin play at a local place. Well, all of us except Jonathan. Ever since Eddie's party the other night, he's been making up weird excuses as to why he can't hang out with us or Nancy and I can tell it's starting to really bother Nancy a lot.

Steve had picked all of us up in his car. Nancy was in the front with him which raised my suspicions at first but I figured it couldn't have meant anything. She was probably just the first person he had picked up. I slid into the back seat with Robin.

The ride was fairly quiet except for Steve's stereo system lightly playing Saturday Night by the Misfits in the background. I felt Robin nudge my arm and I looked over at her. She was handing me her phone to look at a message she typed out:

I think something might be going on between Nancy and Steve again. They were acting kind of weird when I got in the car and Jonathan being flaky has definitely been affecting Nance. I just worry she's going to do something she regrets.

I looked up at Robin and shook my head. I don't think Nancy ending up with Steve again would be the absolute worst thing ever. I liked Jonathan but he seemed to prioritize getting high over being with Nancy and it was even starting to annoy me as well. Steve was sweet, and just like Robin has her intuitions, I had mine and I saw the way Steve looked at Nancy. Even though their relationship from two years ago only lasted a few months, I could see there were still feelings there for Steve and maybe they were still there for Nancy, too.

We arrived and all headed inside; Steve walking right by Nancy's side and Robin and I watching them closely. "Do you think anything might happen between them tonight with Jonathan not here?" I asked Robin as we got closer to the front door of the small venue.

"Not if I can help it." Robin replied.

"Robin!" I lightly slapped her arm. "Don't ruin this for her. I think she still really likes Steve and Jonathan hasn't been the best boyfriend to her lately."

"Yeah, but I don't want her to unintentionally cheat on Jonathan either. They are technically still together and if she gets with Steve, that could open a whole other can of worms that I don't want to deal with." Robin said. And she had a point.

The four of us stood in the middle of the open floor and waited for Eddie's band to come on. I scanned the room looking to see what the turn out looked like. It wasn't bad, but I don't think it was the turn out that Eddie had been hoping for. I hoped that as long as we were there supporting him, that would be all that mattered.

The lights in the room began to dim and I turned my attention to the stage where I saw Eddie and his band walking out to take their places. He looked like a rockstar and I felt a little starstruck seeing him up on stage in his element. He introduced the band and they started on their first song. I looked over at Robin who was bobbing her head to the music. Nancy and Steve were swaying along as well. I looked back up at Eddie and was mesmerized watching him play guitar. And he could sing? I had no idea he could sing. I thought he only played guitar.

"Eddie is pretty good, huh?" Steve turned around and looked at me and Robin with a huge smile on his face. I nodded and smiled back and then quickly returned my attention back to Eddie on stage. I saw his eyes darting around the room, probably looking for me in the audience. I could hear his words repeating in my head about being front row but I didn't want to leave Robin's side.

After a little while of them playing, Eddie and his band decided to take a short break. I was getting nervous to see Eddie after his first set but I also couldn't wait to tell him how great he was on stage.

"Yo! Munson!" I heard Steve yelling and waving frantically at Eddie and his friend Gareth who was also in the band. I saw Eddie smile when he saw Steve and that feeling in my stomach flared up again.

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