Chapter Twelve

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It was the night of Jason's party. I still couldn't believe that Eddie and Robin had convinced me to crash this party with them. Nancy and Jonathan tagged along as well. Robin also invited Vickie which made me so excited for her. When we walked through the front door, the living room was huge. The walls and ceiling were so high and the room was filled with the sound of No Diggity by Blackstreet playing and sweaty teenagers all around with red solo cups filled with only God knows what. I felt a little out of place. I'd never been to a party this big before because I never had been popular in high school. I felt Eddie grip my hand tight and could tell he was a little anxious as well.

"Do you guys want to grab a drink?" Steve yelled over the music.

We all agreed. "Can we stick together for now?" I yelled back.

Steve nodded and grabbed my hand not occupied by Eddie's. Eddie grabbed onto Robin and so on and the seven of us pushed our way through the crowd to get to the kitchen where there was a huge bowl of what I assumed was a spiked punch and various bottles of different types of alcohol and mixers scattered around on the counters. The kitchen was luckily a little quieter.

"What do you guys want?" Steve asked.

I shrugged. "Just get me whatever, Steve." I responded and everyone had the same consensus. It was too hectic to give him a straight answer and I figured he would just work with what was there.

After a few moments he handed myself and Eddie a red solo cup. We stepped aside and Robin and Vickie stepped up next to get a drink from bartender Steve. Steve gave Robin a mischievous smile when he handed her the solo cup.

Robin looked back at him with suspicion in her eyes. "Steve... What did you put in this? Did you put something funny in this?"

"I stirred it with my dick, Robin." Steve said sarcastically. "No, of course there's nothing in it."

We all laughed, including Robin. She brushed Steve's comment off and grabbed Vickie's hand. When I saw Robin holding hands with Vickie I gave her arm a little squeeze as she came to stand next to me. I was so happy for Robin. She deserved to be with someone she really liked and Vickie seemed like a really sweet person.

"Um, you and Eddie?!" Robin squealed in my ear when she stepped beside me. "You guys are official?!"

I nodded and leaned in to talk closer into her ear so Eddie couldn't really hear. "He asked me the other night. But, more importantly, you and Vickie?!" Robin quickly shushed me as she grew a little embarrassed.

"We need to move. Now." Eddie said suddenly.

I looked around the room and saw Jason was heading right towards us. If Jason had found out Eddie, of all people, had crashed his party, it was going to be world war three in this kitchen.

Robin saw Jason heading our way, too. "You two go," She said. "We'll find you guys in a minute."

"I see you brought your sidekick." I could hear Jason say to, I assumed, Steve from the other side of the wall. "You better not have brought that freak, Harrington."

"You really think I'd be that stupid?" I heard Steve respond. Eddie and I passed by the archway that led into the kitchen and I made eye contact with Steve as we quickly ran by. His eyes widened but Eddie and I were gone from view before Jason could turn around and see what Steve was looking at.

Eddie grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hallway away from where Jason was. "That was close." I heard Eddie say but I caught a glimpse of what I thought was Billy and got distracted. But it couldn't be him. Why would he be here at Jason's party? But then again, why wouldn't he be here? I was starting to feel paranoid. Was Billy really here right now?

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