Chapter Sixteen

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The last few days had been a blur. I couldn't remember the last time I was actually at home. I'd spent the majority of my time either at work, with Eddie, or with Nancy and Robin. I hadn't seen my mom in what felt like weeks and she let me hear it when I came home from work that day.

"Cassandra, where have you been?" My mom scolded me. "I feel like I haven't seen you in days."

I sighed. "Work? Things have been busy lately. It is summer after all and I work at a pool."

My mom did not like the tone of voice I had. "What is with the attitude lately?"

I rolled my eyes and started heading towards my room. I was tired from work and just wanted a nap. Sitting out in the sun for hours on end was rather draining.

"Cassandra O'Day, don't you dare walk away from me." My mom ordered. Not the full name again... I really was in trouble this time.

I spun around and dropped my bags in the middle of the floor. "What?!" I shouted. I stared at my mom who just stood there with her arms crossed over her chest. She was leaning into the counter with a look of disappointment and hurt painted on her face. I sighed, knowing I shouldn't have yelled at her. It has been a long time now since my dad passed but the pain never really does go away. I think she was starting to grow lonely without me around. I was the only child they had and now with my dad gone, she had no one around. "I'm sorry," I finally spoke. "I shouldn't have yelled."

My mom pushed off the counter and approached me. She placed a hand on my upper arm trying to comfort me. "I'm just worried about you."

I was confused. Why would she be worried? I was having a fantastic summer with my friends. "Why?" I asked.

"I just feel like you've been distant with me." She said, "You haven't really been at home and have been spending a lot of time with Nancy and Robin; which is great! But..." She trailed off. "You're going to be gone in a month, and I just don't want to lose you, too."

"I'm fine, Mom. I'm just trying to enjoy my summer. And," I started to think about telling her about Eddie. We'd been dating for a little over a month now and I had been lying to her about it all this time. I felt like she should know about us but I didn't know how she was going to react. Like Eddie had said, he had a reputation in this town because people were so quick to judge. "I've started seeing someone again." I continued.

My mom's eyes lit up. "A boyfriend?" She half whispered. I nodded. "Who?" She asked.

Here goes nothing. "Um... Eddie...? Munson...?" I started to hold my breath to brace the impact.

Her face dropped when I said his name. "Cassie..." She gave me a concerned look.

"He's not like everyone says, Mom." I argued.

My mom sighed. I could tell she was trying to process the news. Billy hadn't been all that great, and I remember my mom telling me she didn't like him from day one, but Billy didn't have the negative connotations surrounding him the way Eddie did. "Why not Steve? He's a nice boy." My mom was trying to reason with me.

"Because I don't like Steve like that, Mom." I was growing increasingly frustrated. "You only want me to be with someone like Steve because his family has a good reputation in town because they're rich and the outward image of the perfect family. Well, newsflash, I'm far from perfect. I like Eddie. A lot. I know he dresses differently and he listens to music that isn't considered mainstream but that's what I like about him. I like that he's different. He's really not like what everyone says. He's sweet, and he's gentle and he's caring. He's the opposite of what everyone thinks of him."

"Frankly, Cassandra, he could act like Jesus for all I care. But that doesn't change the fact that he is who he is." My mom's voice started to grow louder as she spoke. "You should know by now that he's nothing but a troublemaker and you're going to get caught up in all of that now, too." Of course my mother was using all the stereotypes and rumors of Eddie to try and scare me into believing that he wasn't the guy I thought he was.

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