Chapter Seven

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It was finally graduation day. I was about to graduate from high school with five of my best friends. Eddie had been held back for two years and he was finally getting his diploma with a little help from Nancy and Robin. They offered to help Eddie study for the classes he had the most difficulty with. When he passed math with a C+, he was so ecstatic because that meant he was going to finally graduate.

A text from Nancy came in to my group chat with her and Robin:

Nancy: What are you guys wearing?

Robin: Does it matter? We're going to be wearing robes over our clothes anyway...

"Cassie!" I could hear my mom yelling for me from down the hallway. "Hurry up, sweetie or we're going to be late!" I shoved my phone in my bag and hurried down the hallway to the kitchen where I met up with my mom and we got in the car to head to graduation.

I stared out the window up at the sky as we drove and thought about my dad. I wished so badly that he could have been here to see me finally graduate high school. I wish he'd been here for a lot of things in my life. He and I used to do everything together. People like to say his life changed when I was born. His demeanor was softer. This baby he held in his arms was the greatest bundle of joy to ever come into his life. From the day I came home from the hospital, to the day he passed away, he loved me with his whole entire heart. His life changed the day I was born, and my life changed the day he died.

"Cassie," My mom touched my arm lightly when we got to the parking lot of the high school. "Here." She handed me a letter. "It's from Dad. I know he would have wanted to be here to see you graduate but he left you this and told me to give it to you on this day." My mom rubbed my arm and gave me a weak smile before she got out and left me alone to read the letter.

Dearest Cassie,

You made it. It's finally the day that you graduate from high school. I wish I could have been there to see you walk across that stage. Words can't begin to describe how incredibly proud I am of the woman that you've grown into. It feels like yesterday that I was watching you in your first grade Halloween costume parade. In the blink of an eye, you aged into the beautiful woman that you are today. I know you bump heads with your mother but never forget how much she loves you. And never forget how much I love you. I hope that you are able to follow your wildest dreams in this crazy world we live in. I know you will.



I tried to blink away the tears that welled up in my eyes. Why did my mother have to give me this letter now? I missed my dad so much and I would have done anything it took to keep him here on earth with me to see me achieve all my accomplishments in life. He was always my number one fan and always believed in me, no matter how crazy my dreams may have been. He believed I could do it all.

My mother knocked on the window of the car and motioned for me to get going. I had to join my class and get ready to start lining up for graduation. I had to walk across that stage for my dad.

When I reached the auditorium where everyone was gathered before lining up, I found Robin and Nancy fairly quickly. I gave each of them a hug. I couldn't believe we finally had made it to this point. Seeing us all in our graduation caps and gowns really started to make everything seem real.

"We did it!" Nancy exclaimed, holding onto my hand and Robin's hand in hers.

I looked around to see if I could see Eddie but he wasn't anywhere to be found. I wanted to congratulate him before we had to go to the stage because I knew how hard he had worked for this moment. Suddenly, someone's arms wrapped around my waist and my feet left the ground for a moment. When I turned around to see who it was, it was Eddie standing there with a goofy grin on his face.

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