Chapter Ten

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I woke up to the sound of someone aggressively knocking on the back window of Eddie's van. Had we both fallen asleep here last night? Good thing I had told my mom I was sleeping over at Nancy's. The knocking continued and I heard a man's voice start calling for Eddie. I looked over at him still sleeping and started to shake him awake.

"Eddie! Eddie, wake up!" I half whispered.

As Eddie came to and realized where he was he slowly sat up. "Shit..." He groaned and reached to open one side of the back of the van. I peered out and saw Hopper, the Chief of Police, standing there. In a town this small, everyone knew everyone.

"Everything good in there, Eddie?" Hopper asked as Eddie squinted in the daylight pouring into the back of the van through the open door.

"Yeah, Hopper," Eddie's voice was still a little deeper from his half awake state. "We accidentally fell asleep here last night, sorry."

Hopper poked his head in and saw me sitting there, also groggy. "Cassie? I didn't expect to see you in here."

"Hi, Hop." I said to him and rubbed my eyes a little. "Everything is fine, promise." I think Hopper had a soft spot for Eddie the same way John had a soft spot for me. It was no secret that Eddie had been in trouble with the law before. He got caught selling weed to kids at school before and I think Hopper understood that Eddie wasn't inherently a bad kid; he was just dealt a bad hand.

"Well, alright. Just don't let it happen again, Eddie, you hear?" Hopper warned.

"I won't. I'm sorry." Eddie responded and closed the door again, leaving us in a dimly lit atmosphere. We both laughed at the ridiculous situation we'd found ourselves in. Cassie and Eddie: found sleeping in the back of Eddie's van at Lover's Lake. My mom would love to hear that one.

After my brain settled, I remembered Nancy and Robin. Shit. I grabbed my phone to see eighteen missed calls between the two of them and about twenty text messages in our group which consisted of something like this:

Robin: Cas? It's getting late. Are you still with Eddie?

Nancy: Cas, where the hell are you?

Robin: Caaassss????

Nancy: You better be getting it on with Eddie right now I swear

Robin: Cassieeeee

Nancy: Cas, hurry up and get back here. I need details!!!

I groaned. "I forgot about Nance and Robin last night... Can you drive me back to Nancy's house?" I asked Eddie.

"Of course I can." He agreed. I started to crawl back over the center console to the front seat and Eddie lightly smacked my butt.

"Eddie!" I exclaimed and he just laughed as he followed me into the front of the van.

The ride back to Nancy's was mostly quiet since Eddie and I were both exhausted from last night. Sleeping in the back of a van wasn't quite that comfortable. I did, however, request to play a song and Eddie handed me the aux.

"It's not metal," I warned him before playing it. "But it's a song I really like." I started playing The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows by Brand New.

I saw Eddie start to nod his head along to the song. "I like it." Eddie said and I smiled. I loved Brand New so I was glad Eddie liked them, too.

Eddie pulled into the same spot in Nancy's neighborhood that he had parked in when he picked me up the night before. "This is perfect." I said as I started to gather up my things before jumping out of the van. To my surprise, Eddie followed me. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Being the gentleman I am and walking you to your door. Er, well, window?" He laughed. I had told him about our escape plan to sneak me out of Nancy's bedroom through her window last night.

I shook my head and started towards where the trellis was on the side of Nancy's house with Eddie following close behind me. I pulled out my phone to call Nance and Robin but it was dead. How was I supposed to get myself back in the house? "My phone is dead." I told Eddie. "I can't tell them I'm back."

Eddie started looking around on the ground and found a couple stray stones. He threw one up at Nancy's window and I looked at him in disbelief. "Did you just step out of a nineties movie?" I asked him and laughed.

"It works," He shrugged. "Trust me." He threw a second stone up to the window and Nancy finally appeared.

I could see the excited expression on Nancy's face when she saw Eddie and I standing there on her lawn. "Robin! She's back!" Nancy exclaimed. "And she brought her boyfrieeend." Nancy cooed.

Seconds later, Robin's head popped out of the open window. "Cas! You're alive!"

I scanned the trellis up and down and wondered to myself how I managed to climb down this last night in the dark. "Are you expecting me to scale the side of your house again in broad daylight, Nance?" I asked.

"I mean, I would like to see that." I heard Eddie mumble and I gave him a little light smack on the arm.

"Meet Robin by the front door. I'll distract my parents so they won't see you coming in." Nancy said and she and Robin disappeared from the window.

I looked over at Eddie with his messy curls and his soft brown eyes. I didn't want to leave him, but I knew I had to part with him at least for now. "You should go." I said.

"I'll see you again soon, though, right?" He wondered.

I rushed my face in to meet his and gave him a quick kiss. "Of course." I confirmed. Eddie and I started to part ways and then I remembered I was still wearing his t-shirt that I intended to give back to him. "Oh, wait." I stopped and turned around to face Eddie again. "Your t-shirt."

He smiled at me. "Hold onto it for now. You look better in it, anyway." 

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