Chapter Fourteen

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There was a soft knock on the door and Wayne popped his head in. Eddie quickly removed his hand from my cheek. I sat up straight and pretended like I hadn't been holding back tears.

"Ed, I'm heading to Barry's for poker now. Not sure what time I'll be back or if I'll be back at all tonight." Wayne said. "Your friends are coming over, right?"

Eddie nodded. "Yeah, uh, they should be here soon."

Wayne tapped on the doorframe with his open palm. "Alright. You kids have fun tonight." He disappeared from the doorway and I looked at Eddie. It still amazed me how laid back Wayne was with him. The trust between the two of them was something I'd never experienced with my parents.

"C'mon," Eddie said as he stood up and held out both hands for me to take. He pulled me up off the bed. "Let's get ready for everyone."

"Steve isn't allowed to touch any of my drinks tonight." I said and laughed.

We started towards the sitting room at the front of the trailer. Eddie was walking ahead of me and turned his head slightly with a smile. "What, you mean you don't want a repeat of last time?" Eddie joked.

I lightly pushed him on his shoulder blade causing him to stumble a bit. "Shut up..." I said.

Eddie turned around to face me. "Oh," He chuckled. "You want to play rough?" He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me into him. Our faces were inches from each other and I looked up at him. God, he really was something else. He started to kiss me hard. My fingers started to intertwine in his curls and his hands gravitated lower on my back.

"Aye, get a room!" Someone yelled, scaring me a little.

I pulled away from Eddie and saw Steve standing there smiling with two bottle-shaped brown paper bags in hand. I didn't even hear him open the door to the trailer. "Jesus Christ, Steve. You scared me." I responded. "Where is everyone else?"

Steve stepped further into the trailer and the door swung shut behind him. "Robin and Vickie are coming. They're still at the car. And I assume Nancy is coming with Jonathan." He raised the two bags in his hands up a little. "But, we can get started." Steve headed towards the kitchen.

"Steve, I'm not letting you touch anything that I drink tonight!" I shouted to him as I followed behind him to the kitchen with Eddie trailing behind me.

Steve put the bottles on the counter and whipped his head around to look at me when I entered the kitchen. He gave me a dramatic pout and I burst out laughing at his expression. "No!" I insisted.

"Fine..." I heard Steve mumble and step out of the way, gesturing for me to step up to the counter to make my own drink. I looked over at Eddie and raised my eyebrows at him to inaudibly ask if he wanted one, too. He nodded slightly hoping Steve wouldn't notice. "Oh, c'mon!" Steve complained.

"Hey, losers!" Robin called out as I heard the front door slam shut.

"We're in the kitchen!" I called back to her and she appeared in the doorway after a few moments with Vickie behind her.

"I see you've already gotten the party started." She motioned to myself pouring drinks into solo cups. "And Steve has been taken off drink duty." She chuckled and glanced over at Steve who was still pouting in the corner with his arms crossed over his chest.

I decided to just make everyone their first drink to get us started. I handed everyone a cup and we made our way into the sitting room by the front door. I sat on one of the couches with Eddie while Robin and Vickie sat on the other side of the room with Steve. I let Steve play DJ tonight instead so he put on When You Were Young by The Killers.

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