Conversation at Night

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Elaera & Daemon's apartments, Maegor's Holdfast

112 AC

Elaera hummed under her breath, sketching her latest invention. She had no name idea yet but it could be used to throw stones and heavy objects at an enemy, used to batter down fortresses, gates, and castles.

The court whispered and gossiped that she had gotten her great grandfather's mind, for how wise she was beyond her years. The maids knew not to touch certain papers that held ideas, inventions, and notes on the surface.

Elaera and Daemon's apartments held a parlor, bathroom, two solars (one for her and one for Daemon) and a sleep chamber.

"Do you think I would make a good king?" Daemon inquired and Elaera nearly jumped out of her skin.

"Why are you asking me that?" she drawled, turning to face her husband.

Her husband leaned against the door frame, his black tunic showing off his muscular yet lithe upper body and broad shoulders.

"Reasons." he shrugged.

"You would make and excellent war time king and a shit peace time king. But you have me to balance that out and I would recommend Corlys Velaryon to be your Hand if it comes down to that." she said bluntly. "But you would get bored quickly, and itching for a war. You wouldn't be Maegor, husband, but not Jaehaerys or the Conqueror."

Daemon pursed his lips. "Thank you." he said.

He hesitated. "Do you want to..."

Elaera froze, blushed, and then looked away. "Soon, maybe." she murmured softly. "I still think I am to young."

"Next year? You'll be fifteen, that's when your mother had Rhaenyra."

"Next year." the silver haired princess agreed.

"I'll be back later, I have night patrols." Daemon said and left.

Elaera groaned and buried her face in her hand.

They were close with each other at one moment and yet the next he would be doting over Rhaenyra, stony and hard at her.

At least her sister rebuffed Daemon's advances, showing that as much as the Realm's Delight wanted to be Daemon's husband, he was her sisters.

And the code of sisters meant you did not fuck your sister's husband.

That is today's chapter. Have a happy Thanksgiving break!

Daemon's POV is soon.

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