Fight at High Tide

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Maekar's rooms

126 AC

Several hands shook him and the thirteen year old groaned, trying to bat them away away. Jacaerys's concerned face is the one he saw when he opened his eyes.

"What... it's the middle of the night." Maekar groaned, sitting up.

He then saw that along with Jacaerys, Visenya, Lucerys, Baela, Rhaena, Aerion, and Aerea, Cassandra was there as well.

"Vhagar's been stolen." the heiress of Storm's End informed him.

"You can't steal a dragon... shit someone claimed her." Maekar cussed. 

His younger siblings and cousins flooded out of the room, and with a few choice of cuss words he followed, grabbing a knife in case it was a Dragonseed, signaling for Arryk and Lorent Marbrand, both of night duty, to follow them.

"What's wrong?" Lorent inquired.

"Someone claimed Vhagar." the silver-white haired prince explained quickly.

When the group made it to the tunnels to the beach, they found Aemond walking in. There was something sightly different with his ten year old uncle, maybe it was confidence, or arrogance.

"Vhagar was my mother's dragon. She was mine to claim!" Cassandra yelled.

"Your mothers dead, Vhagar is mine. Maybe you should have claimed Vhagar already then." Aemond retorted, his eyes moving from Cassandra to Maekar and the guards.

Maekar wanted to ask who the hell taught this boy dragon lore. You did not claim a dragon the night of the riders funeral, you waited months (or days if you were in a hurry) out of respect to the rider and dragon.

"This is coming from the boy who's been a Dragonriders for less than an hour, who couldn't wait a night and instead claimed Vhagar the night of her rider's funeral." Maekar snapped.

Aemond flushed. "Maybe you could ask them to give you a pig, it would suit you more." he mocked Cassandra.

Cassandra surged forward with a scream and shoved Aemond, who retaliated by breaking her nose. Visenya rushed to her cousins's defense and level headed Jacaerys didn't move to stop her.

Not when their beloved aunt had been insulted, her daughter mocked and injured.

Baela and Rhaena, the daughters of the Rogue Prince, were quick to join in the fight as Aerion grabbed Cassandra and dragged her back.

"Stop it!" the rider of Vermithor yelled, grabbing Aerion and Aerea and shoving them back.

Rhaena tried to step back but Aemond shoved her down into the sand and when Baela punched him in the jaw he shoved her into the rocks.

Lucerys screamed in anger and grabbed Maekar's knife.

The Targaryen prince lunged forward and missed as Lorent moved to grab the Velaryon princeling, and Visenya grabbed Aemond, holding him down as Lucerys slashed Aemond's face.

"ENOUGH!" Maekar roared, grabbing Visenya and Lucerys, shoving them into Lorent's arms as he moved to help Aemond up.

The prince spat at him, face covered in blood, but the son of the Rogue Prince and the Silver Princess, who had at least a foot on the younger prince in height, picked him up bridal style and walked back into the castle.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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