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Private Library, The Midnight Fortress, Caelum

179 AC

"Grandmother?" fourteen year old Princess Daenys Targaryen called tentatively, stepping into the private library. It had grown over the years, with more books.

"I'm here, little dragon." a voice called, and her Grandmother, Elaera stepped into her line of sight.

It had been years since the end of the Dance, and after Rhaenyra died in 152 AC and then Jacaerys in 168 AC, Elaera had stepped down as the Hand, giving it up to Lady Serena Blackwood and retired to Caelum.

And after her son, Maekar died in 173 AC from a stroke, she had abdicated her title as Princess of Caelum to Daenys's older half sister, now twenty five year old Princess Shaena Targaryen.

And then grandfather Daemon had died in 174 AC. That had truly broken the Fire Dragon, now a ghost of the once great women she had been.

Currently, nineteen year old Queen Aemma I Targaryen, granddaughter of Rhaenyra and Laenor, now sat on the Iron Throne after a long regency by Elaera and a council of advisors.

"Can we talk about the printing press again?" Daenys asked.

Elaera smiled at the mention of her greatest invention: the printing press. "Of course, darling. Do you have an idea for it?"

"On how to make pictures in the book. It's just like how we print the words, but we carve the pictures into the wooden blocks." Daenys explained. She held out her notes. "I have it all here, and I plan to show the Master Scholars."

The Silver Princess hummed, looking through the notes. "This is truly a great idea, little dragon. And how is your biology studies at the Great Library?"

"I rank fifth in my class." Daenys admitted. Engineering had been her strongest forte, but she did Biology because it had been one of her grandmother's earlier achievements. But still—she was never the best in biology.

"It's okay, little dragon. We make mistakes to learn how we failed, we fall to get back up again." Elaera smiled before paling.

She gasped and collapsed onto the floor, and Daenys screamed. The guards burst in and she rushed to her grandmother's side.

"Grandmother? Grandmother!" she cried, tears coming out of her eyes.

Lilac met lilac, and Elaera gave one last smile for her beloved granddaughter. "Do not cry." she whispered.

Then the spark in her lilac eyes, that had been there for so long, vanished.

That is the epilogue.

Oh my god, this story is over.


I loved this story so fucking much, and I hope you all enjoyed it as well!

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