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I didn't even need to ask it. Wednesday was walking down the hall with two bags full of piranhas. I smirked and slowed falling into step with her. "Whose the victim?"  I asked as I watched the other students stare at us. Wednesday turned suddenly catching me off guard. My boots slid on the ridiculous floor, making me stumble.

"Pugsley was in my locker." She said. I heard the shouts of people from the indoor pool on our left. She slowly stepped up to the edge of the pool staring at the boys.

"Hey, freaks!" One of the boys said. They were wearing their little caps with their numbers on them. How cute! "This is a closed practice!" He said once more. Slowly bringing my hands behind my back a smile spread across my face as I waited for what was to come.

"The only person who is allowed to torture my brother is me." Wednesday dropped the bags into the water. The corners of her lips turned up slightly as she watched the boys frantically swim for their lives. Several of them drag others out of the water. For being in here every day, they are very slow swimmers. One boy, fortunately, didn't make it, his hands gripped the ladder, as he wailed. The water turned red around his lower half. I liked my teeth trying to keep my laugh concealed. Well, the next school should be fun. We have been through seven, I think? Or eight. She always kept track of her accomplishments. They pulled the boy's limp body out.

"Is he dead?" I whispered to her, a heavy feeling building in my chest. The anticipation killing me.

"Call an ambulance!" One of the other boys yelled. I saw the blood run from his leg. His chest still rising and falling. Pity.

"Pity," Wednesday muttered turning on her heel and walking out of the room. I stood there a little longer watching the piranhas in the pool swim happily. The blood had moved throughout the pool, tinting the water red. A few more yells echoed throughout the pool as boys ran back and forth carrying towels. I sighed moving out of the room. Maybe the next school will have better color schemes. Wednesday and I stuck out like a sore thumb. Everyone else with their nauseating color choices, while we chose monochrome colors. Black, white for her. I slip into a grey sweater here or there.

"What did she do?" I heard a young voice. Turning to see Pugsley come up to my side. He always worried about his sister. Pugsley showed emotion more than Wednesday did, he had a passionate depressing outlook on the world most days. 

"What she does best." I patted his head quickly not wanting to touch him for too long. We didn't do affection much in our family. I would never admit it out loud, but a hug or a high five here or there wouldn't be too bad.


Nevermore. That was an interesting name for an academy for outcasts. A charming word for the world rejects. It made me feel as if the normies forced them into a private school so they weren't on the streets anymore. I was trying to ignore the fact that my aunt and uncle were singing seductively to each other. I could feel the tension from Wednesday even though she was a foot away from me. The sudden slam of something against the front windshield briefly caught my attention. I watched as ravens few from the side of the vehicles. They must have flown into the windshield. Maybe this wasn't going to be a boring visit, the ravens are a good sign. 

"Darling, how long do you intend on giving us the cold shoulder?" My aunt asked. Turning around I realized she was talking to Wednesday.

"Branwen remind my parents that I am no longer speaking to them." She gave me a side glare. Clasping my hands in my lap I turned to my aunt and uncle.

"Wednesday is not speaking to you," I repeated to her parents. They were sitting right in front of her, but I had to relay it out of respect for my cousin.

"I promise you, my little viper, you will love nevermore." Uncle Gomez leaned forward slightly. "Won't she Tish?" That was the usual he would look to Morticia for assistance. Wednesday and she did not have a good relationship. She wouldn't even tell her mother that she started having visions a few months ago, surprisingly she told me though. Out of everyone, I thought she would tell Pugsley. 

"Of course, it is the perfect school for her," Morticia added nodding to Gomez. Her eyes settle on me. "You as well Branwen. You both will love it here." 

"Why? Because it was the perfect school for you?" Wednesday replied. "I have no interest in following in your footsteps. Becoming captain of the fencing team, Queen of the dark prom, President of the seance society." Trying to give them some space I looked out the window the green trees flashing past. A blurry color scheme. The sky was a deep blow, the grey clouds moving in. A smile spread across my face. It was going to rain, this was going to be a good day after all. 

"You are making me nauseous." Wednesday raised her voice. My aunt and uncle leaned away from each other. They were always touching, kissing, and holding hands. You couldn't separate those two. "Not in a good way." Looking over my cousin, she still sat straight up, her ankles crossed and hands clasped on her knees. She was always very formal, robotic even. I have always wanted to be like her, she seemed perfect in every way. 

Before long we were driving past the metal gates to the school, ivy covering the rock walls making everything look haunted. If this place was in fact haunted I would have a blast making friends with the ghosts. Communing with the dead was a hobby of mine, or it used to be. I doubt I would be able to speak with them anymore, especially at a boarding school like this. As we pulled up students in uniforms moved around the grounds as Lurch unloaded our luggage.

"Let's make our way up to Larissa's office," Morticia said as she swayed towards the doors to the school. Surprisingly it was a direct path through the school, no students ventured this way apparently because the halls were bare. Or they were all scared of their principal. Larissa Weems. She was also an alumni from Nevermore academy. Morticia explained that they were roommates during their school days. Wednesday not wanting to hear about her mother's past didn't listen to the conversation, but I learned some interesting things about Larissa Weems from her.

"Branwen you don't have to come in just yet. She won't need to speak with you just yet." Morticia smiled as she walked into the room. The plaque on the door reads principal Weems. A very tall, platinum blonde woman in a sparkily white pantsuit stood behind her desk. I slid to the side allowing the others to go into the room. The door shut muffling the words from in the room. I wonder what I wasn't supposed to hear about, I mean it wasn't like I didn't already know everything. The only person Wednesday talked to was me. Wandering around I began looking in the small showcases that held the trophies and photos of past students. I wonder if my father went here. I doubted it, he was missing for the longest time. 

My father, Fester Addams has only recently come back into my life, I have grown up with Gomez and Morticia for the majority of it. My father was trapped in the Bermuda triangle where he lost his memory and an older woman convinced him he was a different person. Luckily though my aunt and uncle worked hard to convince Fester that he was in fact family. Their brother. Eventually, they got through to him, but my father isn't one to stay in place for too long. He has been in and out of containment for numerous things. It was hard to keep count, but hearing him tell me stories about his travels and his crimes was all I needed. 

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