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Laurel dragged Wednesday towards the sarcophagus. I couldn't see what was on the edge, but she cut Wednesday. I heard my cousin's ragged breathing. A searing noise, almost like something was sitting against a hot pain too long. Wednesday ripped her hand away from the sarcophagus laying on the floor. I yanked at the chains around my wrists, trying to see if I could loosen them at all. This was an old building, it could hold forever, right? I tried using my magic, but my arms suspended above my head like this prevented me from using it correctly. Laurel grunted as she dragged Wednesday back towards the wall. She practically tossed her towards the pillar.

"Alright Branwen, it's decision time." Laurel smiled. Wednesday gasped rolling her eyes to refocus. If I do this, she would have to let my arms down. I could electrocute her and then we could leave and pretend this never happened.

"What do I have to do?" I sighed.

"No," Wednesday groaned as she pushed herself up. She must have been hit in the head hard. My head was fuzzy, but she had dried blood on her face.

"Do you need to let my hands down? Do I have to do a little dance? What?" I asked her. My chains rattled as they hit the wall behind me.

"I need you to do what you did the night Xavier was arrested." She explained as she stepped towards the top of the sarcophagus, where the book of shadows lay.

"I can't not without my hands unbound." I tried to lie. She doesn't know a lot about my ability, she wouldn't know.

"I was there the night he was arrested, you did not use your hands." She said flipping through the pages. She was so, unbothered. It. Pissed. Me. Off. "You have one minute until I kill her." Laurel commanded.

"Why can't you just let me die." I heard Wednesday groan from the corner. Bitch. I know she would easily leave me to die, but I couldn't. Unfortunately. She has never appreciated me. Ever.
I could feel the air thicken and the temperature drop. The red glow started to fade away. All of this and I still can't let her die. All she has done is pushed me to the side and keep everyone from me. Although I never tried to stop her. I sighed closing my eye for a moment. Wednesday was my family. My sister since the beginning.

She may not be the greatest, sweetest, or even the most tolerable, but she was there. Good or bad she was there. I heard the crack of lightning as it broke through the glass skylight. The metal towers on each little pole, contracted the electricity creating a spiderweb shape as it lay over the sarcophagus. Laural smiled reading from the book. The sound of my magic zapping absorbed most of her words, but from what I had caught it was Latin.

In my peripheral, I saw Wednesday grab something out of her boot. She glared at me as she undid her chains. If she gives me shit for this later I am just going to punch her, so I can fix what I had done. Eventually, the electricity disappeared and the jars lit up, one by one going around. Laurel closed the book setting it to the side. Electricity traveled from jar to jar, connecting to the sarcophagus. Black smoke started to leak from it, filling the room. A giant wave swept up in front of Laurel. I half hoped that it would kill her, but instead. I saw the fucking Pilgrim. Joseph Crackstone. His skin cracked and pale. His hair was stringy and worn. It made me want to take a shower, but my eyes were stuck on his staff. It had a strange piece at the top of it.

"I am of your blood," Laurel started speaking again. My head had just stopped ringing from her monologue earlier. "I have summoned you to rid the world of outcasts once and for all." I rolled my eyes, she sounded like she was talking to a god. Crackstone switched hands offering his right one to Laurel. I saw his black fingertips and oddly long black nails.

"My vengeance will be swift and true." He spoke. Although his voice was rough from not speaking for four hundred years.

"As will mine," Wednesday stood up. She had no weapon. I didn't know what she thought she was going to do. Her magic wasn't going to help her. Crackstone thrust his staff forward. The top portion turned a toxic green color. I watched as the air rippled around Wednesday, making her still.

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