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After bringing her cello in for her while Enid taught her how to face time someone from the computer. I watched as Thing let her write on his palm before sending him out to find Tyler. By the time we heard the beeping sound of an incoming call, she was through two pages of her novel and I had read four chapters.

She quickly moved towards Enid's side of the room sitting in her chair. She clicked the space bar. Tyler's face covered the screen he looked concerned, his eyes staring at something behind the phone. "Uh, hi." Tyler greeted.

"That's Thing." She told him. I closed my book setting it on her desk as I moved towards her.

"Is he, like, your pet?" He asked his eyes moving off camera. I leaned forward placing my hand on the back of her chair so I could see over her head.

"He's sensitive." She sighed.

"Look I know Nevermore is ground zero for all things weird, but this is next-level. So, what happened to not wanting to be a slave to technology?" He countered.

"Desperate times. Are you still willing to help us escape?" She asked moving her head to the side showing Tyler that I was still there.

"After what happened with you two today, I figured they would have you in solitary." He explained.

"There's the harvest festival this weekend. Attendance is mandatory." Wednesday explained to Tyler. She also reminded me, I groaned and pushed off the back of her chair crossing my arms over my chest. "I am going to use it as our cover. If you are willing to drive us to the station, I can make it worth your while." I paced back and forth behind Wednesday. I wasn't nervous, I just liked the repetition.

"I'm in." I furrowed my brows, slowing down my pace as I looked at the screen. Why was he in? He had no reason? "And no charge." That is even more suspicious. "Consider it a freebie."

"Why?" Wednesday inquired.

"'Cause I wish I was going with you. At least some of us will get out of this hellhole town." His words sounded genuine, but I didn't like his reasoning. People doing nice things for each other was suspicious. They will always want something out of it or have an ulterior motive. Or at least that is what I do, but I rarely do nice things for people. I moved toward the bed allowing her to give a brief explanation of the plan for this weekend. It was a pity I haven't really seen anything interesting in this school yet.


It was bright. The flashing colored lights from the rides sat on either side of me. Enid and Wednesday were standing by me as we watched Tyler argue with his father.

"Are you sure you can trust this normie?" Enid asked. The Sheriff threw his finger in our direction saying something aggressively to Tyler.

"I don't trust him." I sighed crossing my arms over my chest. Tyler threw his hand out as well explaining to his father.

"I trust that I can handle myself and so can Branwen," Wednesday commented.

"Well," Enid sighed turning to face us both. "Good luck and safe travels." She reached her arms out trying to hug us both. Wednesday backed up stepping on my toes. "Still not a hugger. Got it." She retracted her arms giving us each a small smile before walking off. I looked into the crowd making eye contact with Weems.

"Deadweight," I muttered not breaking eye contact with her.

"Fixable." She breathed as she moved through the crowd of people. She ended up walking through two booths. A booth with balloons and pandas inside of it. She walked to the front of the booth grabbing one of the available darts. Pop the balloons and get a prize. She threw one popping a balloon. One after the other I watched as she just kept popping the balloons. I heard someone sigh from over my shoulder. I turned to see Xavier resting his hands on the edge of the booth.

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