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I had put on my black jeans and shirt, adding a hoodie on top cause it was cold. Wednesday rustled through the drawer looking for something. She pulled out a taser and put it in her bag.

"You don't need that," I muttered raising my hand. Playing with the electricity in my hand.

"Yes, I know you are a walking electricity bank." She muttered. Thing tapped his fingers on the desk.

"See thing agrees that I am better than a taser." I gestured to Thing. There was a knock at the door.

"Coming Eugene!" Wednesday yelled. "Hey did you happen to grab any extra batteries for the flash-" She pulled the door open.

"Wednesday for the last time. We are good." I told him moving behind her. It was not Eugene at the door though. Tyler was standing there in his white tux, with a corsage.

"Tyler." She muttered. He raised a card.

"I got your invite. Guess, you had thing drop it in the tip jar?" I stepped back away from the door moving towards my bed. I was not going to get in the middle of whatever was going on. My day was already ruined by one boy. Two is too much.

"Good guess." I hear Wednesday mutter. She was pissed. I saw the closet door swing open. Things climbing up at fabric.

"After our last conversation, I wasn't sure I'd ever speak to you again, but, well your note was so genuine and sweet. Totally took me by surprise." Tyler explained. He threw a black dress down don't other bed. It was the one from Uriah's Heap. The black one.

"Genuine and sweet," I whispered to Thing, but he just threw down another dress at me. I grabbed the cloth off my face.

"Me too," Wednesday added. I threw the dress on the bed glaring at Thing.

"Well, now that I am here, I'm glad I came. You need a few minutes." Tyler said from the door. I heard it shut and then suddenly Wednesday came storming around the corner. I slid to my side of the room sitting on the bed.

"Genuine and sweet." She hissed at Thing. She must have completely missed the dresses on her bed as she hurried to her closet. "How could you do this to me?" She muttered yanking through her clothes.

"Wednesday," I called. She glared at me. I leaned back looking at her bed. The thing was scooting across the metal foot bar of her bed. He snapped his fingers drawing her attention toward the dress on the bed. She stepped forward grabbing it.

"How?" She asked lifting it up. Thing lifted up all five fingers. "Five-finger discount of course." She won't admit it, but she smiled at that dress. "Thing, don't look," She said changing her clothes.

"So what's the plan now? I think Eugene and I are still going to check out the cave." I explained yanking at the sleeve of my jacket.

"No, you aren't going without me." She snapped.

"Why I can handle myself and take care of Eugene," I shook my head. Did she just not want me to do it alone, without her? "Also if you are at the dance you can make sure Xavier doesn't leave and if we see the monster he is cleared," I explained. She sighed pulling the dress down all the way. She flipped her braids around wondering what to do with them. I sighed standing up. "I can help you?" I offered. She just stared at me for a moment before dropping her hands.

"You are coming with me." She added. I furrowed my brow adjusting her braid across the top of her head. It was like a crown of braided hair.

"I don't have a date." I sighed pulling out a few stray pieces of her hair. "Remember." She swatted my hand away from her.

"You don't need a man as your date to allow you to go to a dance. Those are just ideas that society forces us to believe." I nodded at her words, she had said those before once.

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