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It was raining.  Perfect for the Mayor's funeral. I woke up in Xavier's room to Ajax barging in and talking about how the Mayor died last night. He left after Xavier chucked a pillow at his head. I figured out that I was more of a morning person when I woke up next to him. Nothing happened last night. I slept in his shirt and that was it. I was too sore and tired to want to do anything more and he understood that. So here we are now. 

The Mayor's funeral on a rainy day. Everyone is in black, umbrellas up. Perfect funeral. Wednesday and I stood away from everyone else since they all knew the Mayor better than we did. We also weren't allowed near Tyler. I didn't mind it, although I don't know why I was banned, I didn't do shit to him. But like always  I get dragged down with Wednesday. I decided that I wouldn't ignore her completely. I was pissed off yeah, but I was in a good mood today. It was hard to tell if everyone was crying or if it was all just rain. I noticed Xavier turned to glance at me and Wednesday. I thought it wouldn't be appropriate if I smiled, so I just held eye contact. Wednesday had said he was murdered the moment I walked back into our room to change clothes. She told me about how he was murdered because he knew too much and he was going to survive the car accident.

Everyone started to leave after the Walkers stood up from their seats leaving the coffin. Everyone slowly followed after them, but not us. I knew I wasn't the only one who saw someone lurking not too far away from us. The figure suddenly moved behind the trees, he was running. I took off Wednesday behind me since she had her umbrella. My feet splashed through puddles soaking my legs as I rushed after the man. The farther we ran into the woods, the slower the rain got. Moving through two trees I moved in a circle searching for the figure.

"Where did he go?" I breathed. I wasn't really asking, it was more of a statement to myself. The sound of leaves crunching behind me. Wednesday spun around pulling her hidden sword. I threw a small bit of electricity at the figure wanting to stun him. I wanted to know why he ran. The man caught the blade between his hands and the electricity sizzled out across his body, coming together at his hands making Wednesday drop the blade. 

"That tickled." The figure shook his body. No way.

"Uncle Fester." Wednesday breathed, she had a wide grin on her face. She always did like my father better than her own. He took his hat off exposing his eyebags and pale face. He dipped his head chuckling a bit.

"Father." I smiled moving towards him, a smile growing the closer I got to him.

"My little EMP." He reached forward ruffling my hair. He was really here. "How is my daughter?" He asked leaning back once more.

"How long have you been stalking us?" Wednesday asked. My father looked around me at my cousin.

"I just blew into town this morning and was hit with a wave of nostalgia." I stayed close to him, afraid he might vanish before my eyes. I haven't seen him in a few years.

"I thought you didn't go to Nevermore?" Wednesday asked. He didn't.

"I didn't. Your dad got all the brains. But I used to drop in on him, usually from the ceiling with a dagger between my teeth. Just to keep him on his toes." My father smiled at us.

"Of course," Wednesday and I spoke at the same time.

"He filled me in on what's been going on. Monsters, murder, mayhem. What fun!" He smiled at us both. I missed him. "I told him I had a job in Boston, but that I would be here to visit my little taser." Always the nicknames. Taser. EMP. Shocker. Shock charge. EDW. ECD. 

"What kind of job?" Wednesday asked.

"The kind that means I need to lay low for a couple of days." He leaned towards me. "I can tell ya later." He whispered. Wednesday smirked looking at me. 

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