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"Hey man!" Charlie says as he leans against the lockers beside me. "Hey!" I say. "So, you and Kennedy?" He asks with a smirk. "Honestly I don't Charlie." I look over at him as I take a deep breathe. "We'll do you like her?" Charlie asks. "I've been over this with Fulton, I do, but there's not chance in her liking me back!" I tell him. "Why wouldn't she like you back? You're great man!" He tells me. "Thanks, but look at her! There's no chance she likes me back!" I tell him as we both watch her walk down the hall with Connie. "Adam cmon, you're the best player on the team, smart, a nice guy and you're easy on the eyes!" Charlie tells me. "Thanks man!" I look over at him s the bells rings.

"Hey Adam!" Kennedy grins as I sit beside her in biology. "Hey!" I grin. "How was your night after I left?" She asks me. "It was good. Pretty well went right to bed." I chuckle. "Me too!" She smiles.

"Stop flirting you two!" The two of us here from behind us. We turn our heads and see Dwayne and Guy chuckling a little. "Very funny cowboy!" Kennedy tells him. I smile over at her.

Mrs. Rodgers walks into the room as the bell rings.


I'm walking down the hall and I see Amanda and Jack coming down the hall in my direction. I roll my eyes.

"Sup Banks!" Jack says as he gets closer to me. I roll my eyes. "What was that for?" Jack stops me. "Why do you care?" I ask. "What was that?" He asks and shoved me against the lockers.

"Hey Adam!" Kennedy comes over and kisses me cheek. "Ready to go for lunch?" She asks. "Ya!" I grin down at her. Kennedy holds my hand and leads me away from Jack and Amanda.

"Thank you for that!" I grin. "Anytime. He's an ass!" She states. "He really is!" "And Amanda is an idiot for cheating on you! Especially with him." She tells me as we walk outside. I just grin and keep walking with her. We're still holding hands.

"I didn't bring a lunch!" I tell her. "Want to go grab food somewhere quick?" She looks over at me. "Ya!" I say and we get into her car.

Kennedy and I talk the whole time while getting lunch. We talked a lot about hockey and our game this Friday.

"Hey where we're you during lunch?" Fulton asks as I sit beside him in algebra. "Kennedy and I went to grab something quick." I tell him. "Like a date?" He grins. "No, not a date." "Then why did you go out?" He questions. "I was walking down the hall and I saw Amanda and Jack. Jack said something and I just rolled my eyes. He shoved me against the lockers and Kennedy came and kissed my cheek and held my hand and asked if I was ready for lunch and she brought me outside. Then we just went out." I explain. "Almost a date!" Fulton grins. I roll my eyes before class starts.


"How was practice?" My dad asks me as we eat supper. "It was good." "Who do you play Friday?" "St. James Academy." I tell him. "They're usually not good!" Dad states. I nod and keep eating.

My dad is always hard on me. With school and hockey. Since I left varsity after first semester in grade 9 to play JV, my dad hasn't really come to watch my games. If he does, it's only the home games and only for one or two periods. So I always have to prove myself no matter the game. Which doesn't hurt.

"How's Kennedy?" Mom asks. "She's good." I tell her. "Who's Kennedy?" Dad asks. "She's our new goalie and just a new friend." I tell him. "Remember to focus on hockey and school!" He tells me. "Dad I know!" I say. "What did you get on that math test?" He looks up and asks. "95!" I state. "Not bad." He says and walks to clean his empty plate. I role my eyes and finish my supper then head to my room to do my homework.


"Hey Banksy!" I hear Kennedy say as I answer the phone. "Hey Kenny!" I grin. "How was your homework?" She asks. "Good! Biology wasn't bad. I was able to get all the questions!" I tell her. "That's good! I finished mine in class." "Way to brag!" I chuckle. "I may just have to tutor you in algebra and biology!" "Maybe!" I can't help but grin. "Say the word Banksy!" "I will!" I keep grinning.

Kennedy and I keep talking on the phone for hours. It's nice to have someone to talk to like this.

"Well Kennedy, it's 12:00, I'm going to bed." I tell her. "Night Adam!" I hear her say. "Night Kennedy!" I tell her before we both hang up.

I am starting to really like her know.

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