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"I'm glad biology is done with!" I cheer a little as I close my books. "It's not that bad Adam!" Kennedy tells me. "You understand better than I do!" I tell her. "True!" She grins.

I go lay on my bed and I see Kennedy sit down by my feet. "So why did your dad have to go back?" I ask her. "I think there was an emergency somewhere and he was getting he has to get diploid somewhere!" She tells as she looks down to the floor. "I'm sure everything is going to be alright Kenny!" I sit up beside her and place my hand on her back. "I hope so." She says with a little crack in her voice. I wrap my arms around her and hug her. I feels her hug me back and place her head on my shoulder.

"Everything will be okay!" I tell her as I rub her back and kiss her head. I can't help but kiss her somehow. She misses her dad and she's sad about it. I want to comfort her and be there for her.

"Thank you Adam!" She looks up and me and grins. "Anything for you!" I grin as I wipe away the tears from her eyes. "Sorry I was distant for a while." I apologize. "Sorry for what I said. I do still like you." She tells me. "I still like you too!" I grin at her. I see her smile and place her head back on my shoulder. "Want to watch a movie?" I ask her. "Sure!" She says. I put on a random movie on my tv and the two of us lay on my bed and watch it for a while.


It's Wednesday now and we have a game this afternoon. We get a half day so we get to the game on time, so we get to leave at lunch time.

"Banks!" Coach grins at me as I step into the coach. I grin and give him a little nod before I walk back to a seat. I decide to sit beside Charlie in the back. Kennedy is a few rows up sitting with Connie.

"Hey man!" Charlie says as I sit down. "Hey!" I say. "So, you and Kennedy back on?" He looks over at me and asks. "I'm not sure." I say as I look up at her. "Averman saw you guys hug on Monday." He tells me. "We did. But hug doesn't mean anything. It could've just been a friendly hug." I tell him. "Was it a friendly hug?" He asks. "I think so." "Has anything else happened between you two?" Charlie asks. "She came over Monday night. Just to talk about her dad. We did homework too." I tell him. "Anything else?" "Watched a movie!" I state. "And?" He grins all excited and sits up in the seat. "Cuddled a little." I smirk. "And?" Charlie is almost standing up at this point.

"Conway take a seat!" Coach yells back at him. "Yes sir!" Charlie says and sits down. Some of the team looks back at us and I start to laugh.

"Charlie we just made out a little too. It may mean nothing." I tell him quietly. "Or it may mean something!" He states. "Only time will tell!" I say.


It's the middle of the third and we are tied 2-2. We have Goldberg as our goalie today but he's playing pretty good. I got one goal so far, Charlie has the other.

"Fulton up here!" I call for the puck. Fulton passes up the puck to me and I'm on a break away. I do a couple dekes and take a shot top shelf and it goes on. Before I get to celebrate my goal, I feel someone shove me from behind and my side goes and hits the post.

I lay on the ice for a few seconds. My side does hurt. It hurts to breathe as well.

"Adam you okay?" Fulton comes over and asks. I see a crowd of teammates above me too. I groan and stand up and skate to the bench.

"Banks, what's wrong?" Coach asks as it sit in the bench and take my helmet of. "My side. It hurts!" I tell him in pain. "Let's see!" He states. I lift up my jersey and we both see a big bruise starting to form on my ribs. "Does it hurt to breathe?" He asks. I just nod. "Go to the bench. Your mom is in the crowd, get her to take you to the hospital to get checked!" He tells me. I nod and wait for the whistle to blow before I skate across the ice.


I'm laying in bed watching tv. I got back from the hospital a little bit ago and I have a few bruised ribs. The doctors don't want me to play hockey for a few weeks. So I guess I'm sitting in the stands watching. I can't even move without being in pain. So I guess I can't skate on the ice and he'll then practice.

"How are you feeling Adam?" I look over and see Charlie, Fulton, Dwayne, Ken, Guy, Connie, Goldberg, and Kennedy walk in. "Hey guys!" I grin and try and sit up. "Adam don't move, you're in pain!" Guy tells me. I groan and stay in the position I'm on. "Nice goal!" Dwayne grins. "Thanks!" I state. "We won!" Kennedy grins. "What was the score?" I ask. "It stayed 3-2!" She tells me. "Nice work guys!" I tell them. "Hey, we wouldn't have done it without you!" Goldberg says with a grin. "What do you got in your hand Kenny?" I ask her. "I told my mom that you like her molasses cookies, so she quickly made some. So I brought them over!" She grins. "I'll be back on the ice soon then. These things will make me better in no time!" I grin as Kennedy brings them too me. "Kiss, kiss, kiss!" They all, but Kennedy, start to cheer. Kennedy rolls her eyes and I just grin a little. I would laugh but that hurts my side.


The team all left, but Kennedy. She stayed. I started to eat some of the cookies her mom made me.

"These are so good!" I grin as I take a bite of a cookie. "I'm glad you like them!" She tells me as she sits beside me on my bed. "How many ribs did you break?" She asks. "3!" I state. "Are they bad?" "No I don't think. I should be out for a couple weeks then back playing." I tell her. "You better take it easy!" Kennedy states. "I gotta play Kenny!" I tell her. "I know Adam. You don't want to hurt yourself more!" She tells me. I just look down. "Sorry to tell you that Adam, but if you want a career in hockey, you don't want to hurt yourself more!" Kennedy tells me. "Thanks!" I grin at her. "Of course!"

There's a few minutes of silence. I have to ask her her what's going on between us. We took a little break, I got her tickets to her favourite NHL team's game, we've kissed, and cuddle. We're almost back to where we were.

"Kennedy!" I say. "Ya?" She looks at me. "What's going in between us? What are we?" I ask. "I don't know Adam. We both like each other." She says. "Ya I know that." I state. "How about we won't worry about that until after you get better. Focus on getting better and your grades, and then we can talk about what we are!" She tells me. "Okay. But promise me you will come visit me again soon! I won't be back to school until Monday!" I tell her with a grin. "I'll come see you again!" She smiles at me.

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