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It's been a few weeks and Kennedy and I are still seeing each other. We aren't dating yet though. I haven't talked to her much in the past few days. My dad has been hard on me and wants me to really focus on school and hockey. The two of us haven't had time to see each other. At school, she's been hanging with Connie a lot, and I've just stated to talk to the guys on the team more. I still really like her, I hope she still likes me.

"Earth to Adam!" I hear. I turn my head to see Charlie, Averman, Goldberg, Luis and Dwayne staring at me. "What?" I ask. "Adam, you were staring at Kennedy!" Charlie tells me. "Sorry." I say. "Go talk to her man! I haven't seen you two be with each other all week. Even at practice you two haven't talked!" Luis tells me. "I have to focus on hockey and school!" I tell them. "Says who?" Goldberg asks. "My dad." I state. "Rope her like a cowboy and run!" Dwayne tells me. The five of us look at him confused. "What?" I ask. "Go get her Adam! Who cares what your dad says. Dwayne says. "Go Adam!" Averman says. I take a deep breathe and walk over to her at her locker.

"I'll see you after!" Connie tells her and then walks away. "Adam!" She says. "Hey!" I grin at her. "You still remember who I am!" She states. "Sorry Kenny! It's been my dad. He's been on my back about hockey and school. If I make the slightest wrong move, I'm going to be in trouble." I tell her. "Am I wrong move then?" She looks over at me and asks. "No! I'm just trying to get my grades higher and better at hockey!" I explain. "Adam, I can help you with school if you need it. And you're already amazing at hockey!" She tells me. "Thanks!" I grin. "Adam, I do like you, but I can't stand around and wait for you. I do want us to continue, but let me know when you're ready for this to really happen!" Kenny tells me and walks away. "Kenny!" I try and get her attention but she keeps walking.

"What happened?" Charlie and the other 4 guys come up to me and asks. "She pretty well doesn't want us to happen unless I'm really ready for us to happen." I tell them as I look at the ground. "She doesn't know what she's missing man!" Charlie tells me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "You're a great guy Adam, her loss!" Luis tells me. "Plenty of fish in the sea!" Goldberg chuckles. "None like her Goldberg!" I say and walk down the hall.

I need to somehow get Kennedy back while also improving my grades and hockey. I've always gotten straight A's or all over 90% in all of my classes since I've started high school. But I guess that's somehow not okay for my dad. I guess I'll have to give her a bit of space before I try to get her back. I do like her but I don't want to seem desperate and needy.


I get to practice and step on the ice. I start skating around the ice and shooting on the empty nets. I'm going to stay late tonight to work on my shots and to try to work on the triple deke so I can use it more and so I can make it easier for me to do in a game. I might try and work on some other dekes and moves to use.

"Huddle in!" Coach calls us in. "Okay, we have won our first 2 games. Big deal. There's still many more games to win! We're going to split up into 2 groups..." Coach explains the drill and of course I am in Kennedy's group. When coached announced our groups, I did see her glance over at me. I saw her do that in the corner of my eye. I didn't react, I want to be distant but not too distant. And I don't want her to think I'm staring at her all of the time.


Practice is over and I'm still skating around shooting and doing different drills. As I turn and skate towards centre us, I see Kennedy skating off. She stops at the door and looks at me before she steps off. I stop and look at her two. I'm trying so hard not to go over their and kiss her.

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