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Kennedy and I walk into Hans' old shop where we're meeting coach.

"Coach!" I grin as I see him. "Adam! How are you?" He says as we have a little hug. "I'm good! How are you?" "I'm good. Hockey is going good?" He asks me. "Ya!" I smile. "Scoring lots of goals?" "I am!" I nod. "You must be the new goalie!" He says. "I am!" I nod. "Coach, this is Kennedy! Kennedy this is our old coach Bombay." Adam introduces us. "The others here have told me about you and how good you are in net!" Coach tells me. "Well I try!" She grins a little. "You're good!" I tell her. "She barley lets any shots in!" I tell coach. "I heard you guys won your first game and it was a shut out!" Coach states. "We did!" I state. "Coach you should try and make it to a game!" Charlie states. The three of us walk back to where everyone is. "I'm going to try Charlie!" Coach tells him.

We all sit and talk for a while. It's nice to see coach and catch up with him. He's still working for Hendricks hockey and is travelling with them.

"We better go coach!" I say as I stand up. "It was nice to see you Adam!" Coach says as he comes over to hug me one last time. "Nice to meet you Kennedy!" Coach and her hug. "Nice to meet you too!" She grins. "Keep this guy in shape and make sure he scores those goals!" Coach chuckles as he tells Kennedy. "I will!" She smiles as she looks up at me. I start to chuckle. "Bye!" The two of us say as we start to walk out of the shop.

"Hey Banksy!" I turn my head to look back at the guys. "Got a rubber?" Goldberg says as they chuckle. I just laugh and walk out.

"He is a nice guy!" Kennedy says as we get into my car. "Ya he is! I'm glad he got me into the ducks!" I state. "Got you on the ducks?" She looks over at me. "When the ducks were district 5, coach Bombay became the coach and they became the ducks. I was on a team called the hawks. But the league drew new lines for each district. And when they did I lived in district 5. So I had a choice to either join the ducks or forfeit every game for the rest if the season. I just wanted to play hockey so I joined the ducks." I explain to her. "I'm glad you did too!" She looks over at me and smiles. "Me too!" I state.


"I can't get this question!" Fulton states. "It's not hard Fulton!" I tell him and explain how to do the question again. "Adam, I'm not smart like you!" He tells me. "You just have to apply yourself!" I tell him. "I can't do it!" Fulton closes his books and storms out of class. I just shake my head and keep working.

"Want to go out sometime new girl?" I glance up and see Hunter sitting beside Kennedy. "No." She says. I grin and keep doing my work. "How come?" He asks. "You don't even know my name. And not my type!" She states. "Maybe I can learn!" I hear him say and move his chair closer to her. "Doubt it!" She says. "One date!" He begs. "No!" She states. "Cmon!" He says. "Hunter, she said no!" I say. "What are you going to do about it?" He asks. "Can't you just listen to her? She did tell you no!" "When you get her on a date, you can have her!" He tells me. I glance over at Kennedy, whose looking at me, and then I look back at Hunter. "We have a date this Friday, after our game!" I tell him. The two of us don't have a date. I just made it up so he would stop bugging her. "You do?" Hunter asks. "Ya!" I nod. "Okay then!" Hunter says and walks away.

Kennedy grins and turns back around in her chair.

"You two are going in a date?" Connie comes up to me in the hall and asks with a smile. "What?" I look at her and asks. "Allison told me!" She tells me. "Class just ended!" I state. "She texted me. But where are you going on your date?" Connie grabs onto my arm in excitement. "I just said that so Hunter would leave her alone. I haven't properly asked her." I tell her. "Maybe you should! Her and I were talking this morning and she does really like you!" Connie tells me and walks away.

"I know!" I take a deep breathe and say to myself.

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