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It's the last day before Christmas break. We have our Christmas semi-formal tonight too.

Kennedy and I still aren't dating. I've been wanting to ask her out for a while now. But every time I go to ask her out, I get nervous and I end up not asking her out. I'm planning on asking her to dance to a slow song, and then asking her out then. Kennedy and Connie are getting ready together, and I'm going over Guy's house after school and we are getting ready together. Then I'm going to drive us over to Connie's house and pick them up.

"Ready for tonight Kenny?" I ask her as I get to her locker. "I guess so! I'm not looking forward to wear a dress though!" She states. "You'll look amazing!" I grin at her. "I'm not sure about that Banksy!" She looks over at me. "You always do!" "Even after I'm very sweaty after a big win?" She asks. "Ya!" I smile. "Well thank Banksy, you'll have to judge for yourself on how I look!" She grins and shuts her locker. "I already know you'll look amazing!" I grin and lean to kiss her. "How I ever told you how much I like you?" She grins up at me. "Maybe!" I grin back. "Well I do!" She grins. "I like you too!" I smile and kiss her again.

"Get a room Banks!" Portman says and slams me against the locker. "What's your problem Portman?" I turn and ask. "I don't want to see you and her making out in the halls!" He tells me. "Dean, it was kiss! We weren't making out!" I explain. "Still don't want to see it!" "Are you jealous or something?" I ask. "I'm not jealous!" He states and punches the locker. "Portman chill!" Fulton tells him. Portman grunts and Fulton takes him away.

"I don't know what's been going on with him this year!" I state. "He has a bit of anger. Makes sense why he's a bash brother." Kennedy chuckles. "We had one issue before, but it was nothing." I tell her. "What happened?" She asks me. "It was when we were at the Gooodwill Games. We were stretching and doing a bit of conditioning on a field. He called our old goalie Julie babe. I told him her name is Julie and not babe. And we almost got into a fight. But the whole team kinda joined in and we were all almost yelling at each other." I tell her. "Woah! He needs to get his anger under control off the ice." Kennedy states. "He's not my problem." I tell her.

The bell rings and I look down at Kennedy.

"I'll see you after!" I kiss her forehead and we both go out separate ways to class.


"Ready Guy?" I ask as I fix my tie. "Ya! Let's go!" He grins and we walk downstairs.

"Wait you two! Picture time!" Guy's mom says and smiles as she takes her camera for a picture. Guy and I glance at each other quick and then stand beside each other and smile. "Perfect, now go ahead and have a great time!" She tells us before we walk out to my car.

"Sorry for her!" Guy states. "It's fine. She's a mom. I think most mom are like that." I tell him with a bit of a chuckle. "So, are you going to ask Kennedy out soon?" He asks me. "Tonight!" I state with a grin. "Really?" He looks over at me. "Ya! I've put it off for too long and it's the perfect time to ask her out!" I tell him. "Good for you Adam! I'm happy for you man!" Guy tells me. "Thanks Guy!" I grin.

We pick the girls up and Guy in in the back with Connie and Kennedy is in the front with me.

"You look amazing!" I tell her with a grin. "You've done your judging already?" She looks over at me with a smile. "I told you, I already know!" I smile.

We get to the dance and the girls go to the punch bowl and us two guys go see some of the team.

"Looking snazzy Guy!" Averman tells him. "Not too bad yourself cake eater!" Averman says as he looks me up and down. "Thanks Averman. Big night!" I grin. "For?" Goldberg looks at me. "Adam is asking Kennedy out!" Guy tells them with a smile. "Yes Banksy!" Charlie cheers and jumps on me a little. "It's not a big deal!" I grin. "Adam it's huge!" Charlie tells me. "You're roping her up Adam!" Dwayne smiles. "Thanks?" I say as I give him a questionable look.


As slow songs come on and I see Kennedy standing against a wall with Carley.

"Kennedy!" I got up to her. "Hi Adam!" She grins. "Want to dance?" I ask. "Let's go!" She grins and leads me to the dance floor.

"How's your night been?" I ask her as we start to dance. "It's been good. I'm glad we got to dance!" I grin at her. "Me too. I've been waiting for you to ask me to dance!" She tells me. "Well, your wait is over?" "I'm glad it is!" She smiles. "I have a question for you Kennedy!" I look down at her. "And what's that?" She questions. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I ask. "I thought you'd never ask Banksy!" Kennedy smiles at me. "I'll take that as a yes!" I smile and lean down to kiss her.

"YES!" I hear the guys cheer. I smile and chuckle when I hear them. I kiss Kennedy again before looking at her with a big smile.

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