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It's Monday and I'm sitting in biology waiting for the class to start.

"Adam!" I hear Guy whisper from behind me. I turn my head and look at him. "Connie wanted me to tell you to make sure Kennedy is okay. Apparently he had to go back to work last night." He tells me. "Okay. Thanks for letting me know!" I grin and turn my head back forward. Once I do that, I see Kennedy walk in.

"Hey!" I grin at her as she sits down. "Hi." She says. "How was the game on Saturday?" I ask her. "It was alright." She shrugs. "Just alright? Kennedy its your favourite NHL teams game with your dad!" I grin at her. "Okay, it was amazing!" She smiles as she looks over at me. "I'm glad you had a great time!" I smile at her. "Thank you for the tickets, I appreciate it!" "Of course Kenny!" I say with a grin. "How is your dad?" I ask. "Can we talk about that later?" She asks as she puts her books on her desk. "Of course!" I say. "Thank you!" She grins. I grin at her and Mrs. Rogers walks in to start class.


"Hey Adam!" I hear Amanda say as she walks to my locker. "What Amanda?" I groan and ask as I shut my locker. "I was wondering if you wanted to hangout sometime?" She asks. "Why would I do that?" I ask. "Because, we use to date for a little bit and I wanted to get back to use hanging out." She grins. "Not happening!" I state. "Come on Adam! We use to be really good together!" She steps closer to me. "Amanda, you cheated on me. So clearly we weren't good for each other! And I honestly don't want to start hanging out again." I tell her. "You would rather be with Kennedy?" "Ya, I would!" I tell her and walk away.

I wouldn't go back to Amanda. She cheated on me once, so she may do it again. And towards the end of the relationship, it was a total mess. We barley talked or saw each other. I guess that's when she started cheating on me.

"Hey!" I say as I get to Kennedy's locker. "Hi." She says. She sounds so sad. "What's wrong?" I ask. "My dad had to go back to work last night. He was suppose to be here for a little bit. But, plans change!" She says as she closes her locker and leans on it. "Sorry to hear that Kenny, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here!" I tell her and place my hand on her shoulder. "Thank you Adam!" She says and hugs me. I hug her back and grin a little.

As I'm hugging her, I see Amanda walk by and wink at me. I roll my eyes and continue to hug Kennedy.

"Amanda is such a bitch!" Kennedy tells me as she gets out of the hug. "Tell me about it!" I roll my eyes, again. "She waved to me as she walked by." "She winked at me. I just rolled my eyes. But she came to talk to me at my locker just before I came to see you. She wanted to start hanging out again." I tell her. "What did you tell her?" She asks. "I told her it's not going to happen and I don't want to hangout with her again." I say. "Good!" Kennedy tells me as she walks away.


"Adam." My dad says my name as he walks into my room. "Ya?" I ask as I shut my books. "How are your grades?" He asks me. "I got my grade back from my English essay, I got a 96%. My law report grade, it was a 94%." I tell him. "Good. And your game on the weekend?" "Won. 5-0. Scored 2 goals." I tell him. "Good. Keep it up!" He says and walks out of my room.

"Hey!" I grin as I pick up my phone. "We didn't get the chance to talk about my dad!" Kennedy tells me. "I know. When are you free next?" I ask her. "Can we hangout tonight?" She asks. "I'm doing biology homework right now." I tell her. "Can I come over? I can bring my books and we do it together." Kennedy suggests.

I take a moment to think about what she suggests. I want to see her and for her to be able to talk about her dad, but I also want to finish biology and get it over with. I know the two of us will do it together, but I'm almost done.

"Ya come over." I tell her. "Okay. I'll be over soon." She tells me and the two of us hang up.

"Mom, dad, Kennedy is coming over for a little bit. We're just going to do our biology homework!" I tell them as I walk into the living room. "Okay! But only to study?" Dad asks. "Well we're probably going to hangout for a little. But we are going to spend most of the time doing homework." I tell him. "Philip let him do the homework with her. He's work hard the past few weeks and has barley seen Kennedy. He could be doing worse things!" Mom tells him. "Fine!" He states and looks back down at his book.

A few minutes later, I hear a knock on the door and I open it to see Kennedy. "Hey!" I grin. "Hi!" She grins and I let her come in.

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