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We're at practice and we're working on penalty kills. It's me, Luis, Russ and Portman.

"Actually do something guys!" Kennedy tells us. "Just worry about stopping the puck sweetheart." Portman tells her. "It's Kennedy, not sweetheart!" I turn and tell him. "She's not dating you, so you don't have to worry about what I call her!" He tells me. "She's not dating you! So you don't have to call her anything but her name!" I skate over to him and tell him. "She's not your girl, so why do you care so much?" He asks. "She is my girl, Portman." I tell him. "Then why don't you ask her out?" He asks me. I shove him to the ice and jump on top of him.

"Banks!" Coach yells my last name and pulls me off of Portman before I get to punch him. "You're better than this! Don't make me put you in the box as an example!" Coach tells me. "Sorry!" I say as I look down at the other end of the ice. "Let's get back to practice!" Coach states.

"Move out of my way!" I hear Kennedy say to Portman. I chuckle a little to myself.


Kennedy and I walk into her house and we hear chatter coming from the kitchen. We look at each other and than walk in there to see who could be here.

"Adam!" My dad says. "Hi dad." I slowly say. "I'm here to take you home!" He states. "Why?" I question. "Because it's time for you to come home." He tells me. "Only if you come to my all games and watch the whole game!" I tell him. "Adam, just come home." "Only if you agree!" I state. "Fine. Let's go!" He states and walks to the door. "I'll meet you in the car. I have to get my clothes." I tell him as I walk to the stairs. "Okay hurry." He tells me and walks to be the car.

I quickly go grab my clothes and then walk back downstairs.

"Holly, thank you for letting me stay here!" I thank her. "Of course Adam! I hope you work things out with your dad!" She grins. "Thanks, me too!" I sigh. I turn to Kennedy and look at her. Kennedy looks at her mom until Holly walks away.

"Thanks for letting me stay!" I grin down at her. "Anytime Adam! I'm here for you anytime you need it!" She grins at me and touches my arm. "I'll talk to you tomorrow okay!" I tell her and then kiss her. "Bye Adam!" She grins. "Bye!" I say and walk out to the car.

I put my bag in the back seat and then get in the front with my dad.

"I'm sorry son, for how I've been. Your mom made me realize how much pressure I've been putting on you for school and hockey." My dad says. "Are you still going to come to my games, and stay, even though you apologized?" I look over at him and ask. "I am." He states.

I don't say a word the rest of the ride home.

"Adam!" Mom grins as I walk in the door and gives me a hug. "Hey mom!" I say and hug her back. "I'm glad your home!" She grins at me. "Ya." I say. I leave my bag at the end of the stairs and walk up to my room.

I'm glad to be in my own room. But I'll miss seeing Kennedy every morning.


"How was your night last night Banksy?" Kennedy walks up to me at my locker and asks. "Fine." I shrug. "Did your dad say anything to you?" "He apologized on the drive home. But that was it." I tell her. "Better than nothing." "But, my mom pretty well made him." I tell her and close my locker and walk down the hall. "At least he will stay for the games." Kennedy follows me. "Ya, but he won't enjoy them." I groan. "Even if he won't enjoy them, he's coming still Adam. You have a dad that comes." She tells me. "You're right Kennedy. But I know he'll make comments about how I play!" I stop in the hall and look at her. "I'll see you in class okay!" I tell her and walk away.

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