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"Adam, long time no see!" Kennedy says as I lean up against the lockers beside hers. We haven't really talked in a few days. "Sorry. I got busy with homework in my other classes." I tell her. "All good! Nice job at practice last night." She grins over at me. "Thank you! You too!" I grin. "No goals on me yet though Banksy!" She grins as she closes her locker. "One day!" I smile. "So Friday, where are we going?" She asks as she steps a little closer to me. "You don't have to go. I was just saying that so you wouldn't have to go on a date with him." I tell her. "What if I want to?" "Maybe a movie?" I suggest. "A movie sounds good!" She grins. "Okay!" I grin and lean down to kiss her.

"Get a room!" I stop the kiss and look to my right to see Portman and Fulton walking by. I grin and kiss Kennedy one more time. "I'll see you at lunch!" I grin and walk to class.

"Make out sesh in the hall!" Averman grins as he sits behind me. "It was two kisses!" I grin as I turn around. "Averman at least he has a girl!" Guy tells him. "Ya when was the last time you kissed a girl?" I ask Averman. "I don't want to talk about it!" He says and looks down. Guy and I laugh.


"Hey, can you two go be a couple somewhere else?" Portman asks Kennedy and I. We were just talking and eating lunch. "Portman leave them alone!" Guy tells them. "Thank you Guy!" I look over at him. "I don't see you with any girls!" Kennedy looks down the lunch table at him. "Maybe if you and Banksy don't workout we can go out!" Portman winks at her. "In your dreams!" She says. I chuckle. "What are you laughing at Banks? I don't see you hitting her up! Just kissing in the hall!" He tells me. "I'll tell you all about our date on Friday at our game Saturday." I say as I keep eating my lunch. "A date!" Some of the guys cheer. I grin as I shake my head and eat my lunch.

"A date huh?" Charlie ask as we walk down the hall. "Ya!" I say. "Good luck man! I'm sure it will go great!" He tells me and pays me on the pack. "I hope so!" I look over at him. "You nervous?" "Ya, Charlie, I am!" I tell him with a deep breath. "Why are you nervous?" He asks me. "Charlie, I've known this girl 3 weeks. And I just got out of a relationship in the summer, in which I was cheated on!" I remind him. "Adam, Kennedy is a great girl. You two are perfect for each other. Plus Amanda wasn't the best girlfriend!" He tells me. I just sigh. "Adam, don't worry about Amanda, she's in the last. Kennedy wouldn't do that!" Charlie tells me and walks away.

I keep walking to class and just think about the date on Friday. I'm so nervous about it.


"Adam." Mom says as she walks into my room. "Ya?" I turn my chair around. "We're having company over on Friday, are you home?" She asks. "No. I'm hanging out with Kennedy?" I let her know. "Okay. What are you going to do?" "We're going to a movie." "Will you be home late? It's the Carter family coming over. They haven't seen you in a while and I'm sure they'll enjoy to see you!" She tells me. "Il make an appearance mom!" I say and get back to my homework. "I'm sure your dad would enjoy you stopping in!" "Ya mom, I know." I say and roll my eyes.

My homework doesn't take me too much longer to finish.

After my homework, I play some video games to pass time for the rest if the night. I don't play much video games. I usually just play one of the NHL games and try to learn some new moves to do learn some that I could do in our games. I know how to do a few moves in our games.

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