5 | Is it real?

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Heeseung opened his eyes lazily as he sat down on the couch he had been sleeping on for who knows how many hours.

"What time is it...?" he questioned, yawning right after. It was only now that he has realised there is no evening or even night anymore. The sun beamed through the boy's window, shining so brightly. "Is it... morning already?!" Heeseung panicked, opening his eyes widely at the uttered sentence.

"Fuck, am I late?" he seriously didn't want it to be true. It wasn't like anything would happen to him if he was. Maybe except the teacher scolding him, they were quite strict with punctuality in studnets. If anyone was late, they would punish them by taking away some of the student's behaviour points as well as embarrass them in front of the whole class.

The idea of having a some sort of social credit in school was supposed to make students behave better. Doing something against the rules or not completing the responsibilities could cause lowering the student's statistics. At the end of a semester the points were summed up and would decide whether a student was able to pass the class or not. And since that system mattered to the teachers a lot, not passing a class wasn't just a threat to scare a student who acted inappropriately but a possible situation with real, unpleasant consequences.

Unfortunately, Heeseung also acknowledged the system as relevant, thus, trying to comply with the rules as much as he was able to.

He looked at his phone, it read 8:09 - the first class of the day had started 9 minutes ago, "No, no, no! Why me?!" he said on a verge of breaking down.

He got up from the couch abruptly and ran to the bathroom at full pelt. Quickly washing his face, he wiped it with a towel then took a glance at his clothes in the mirror. Since he fell asleep in his uniform, at least he didn't have to change it now, saving him a few good minutes. Grabbing the most essential stuff, he left the flat, storming down the stairs.

"Maybe it's not that bad, at least I don't need to sit there and listen to this stupid bitch rambling on about her fucking cats," Heesueng referred to their geography teacher who was an elder woman passionate about geography as much as her three pets. Some of his classmates found her sweet and motherlike, yet, the rest - Heeuseung belonging to that group - thought of her as utterly annoying with the way she would talk.

He walked for another couple of minutes, finally reaching the classroom.  Once again checking the time, he sighed heavily, "Ah, 8:18, she will definitely eat me up alive, won't she..." he whispered to himself, accepting the upcoming events.

Heeseung hesitantly slid the door open and took a single step inside.

"Oh, who we've got here, Lee Heeseung, you're indeed late, dear," the mentioned before teacher spoke, pursing her lips and fixing her glasses.
She looked mad.

All eyes were on Heeseung, piercing the poor boy through. Since he had experienced these kind of situations many times before, he couldn't care less. He wanted to be polite just for the sake of lighter punishment.

"I'm terribly sorry, Mrs. Bai, I promise it is the last time that I'm late," he voiced as he bowed low towards her, showing his "sincere" repentance.

"It's not the first time I'm hearing it from you, Lee, but whatever your little excuse is, be aware that I am obligated to take away your behaviour points," she stated bluntly.

"Yes, I understand, Mrs. Bai."

"Sit down, please. Now let's get back to what we talked about..." she continued her monologue.

Heeseung went to his seat immediately, cursing himself in his mind. Although, on the outside he looked very much composed and level-headed.

He looked to his right, seeing Jake staring at him worryingly as though he was going through the feeling with him.

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