Chapter 6

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Roger's POV:

She really loves me...? How...? It's impossible! There's no way she could possibly love me! "Lewis, why did you do that?" I asked my wolf. "Why do you think, genius? She's our mate. You may not want her, but I love her and want her. Unfortunately I can't do anything as I am just your wolf." he declared. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Next time, just try to control yourself." "Excuse me!?" before he could say anymore, I shut of the connection. I didn't want to hear anymore. I shook my head as I got up to return to the party.

Annalise's POV:

I couldn't get over the fact Roger was really kneeling over me, making sure I was ok. Ok, maybe technically it was his wolf, but still. I haven't had that happen in such a long time. For once, I kinda felt happy. I don't know why either. I feel happy because Roger seemed to care about me. But we've been separated for so long....I'm not supposed to care about him! I'm...."You don't have to hate him, Annalise...You can forgive him..." my wolf, Jewel said softly. "You know what I went through as well as I do. How can I forgive him??" Jewel sighed sadly. "I know how you feel. I went through it too. But I think part of this whole things was...your fault..." "Have you lost your mind??" I exclaimed aloud, shocked by her words. People stared at me wide-eyed. They probably thought I was crazy. I smiled innocently before rushing away to a private room where I could continue talking with my wolf. Incase I said anything out loud again I won't be embarrassed. "Now, explain why it is partly my fault??" "You pushed everyone away after our parents died. You pushed Roger away. You pushed Peter away. You pushed me away. I pleaded with you not to but you never listened." My eyes went wide. I realized she was right. I had pushed everyone away. If it weren't for Peter, never giving up on me, and my wolf, I probably would have remained alone. After the accident, I was in shock. I couldn't comprehend much of anything for a while. I didn't really believe they were gone. I didn't want to believe they were gone. But they were. My heart was broken. heart was shattered beyond repair when Roger....gave up on me....


"I can't do this anymore, Peter. She doesn't want me around her." "She doesn't want me around either, Roger, but I'm not giving up on her! Your her mate! You can't just walk away!" Peter protested. "I'm sorry, Peter....I love her but she has obviously lost her love for me." "No, she hasn't! Don't be an idiot! She loves you she's just having a hard time right now! You know how close she was with mom and dad. She's having a hard time right now...She needs you. She needs her mate." "Your her brother. Maybe you should take care of her." "I am! But she needs you just as much as she needs me. Please, Roger, don't do this!" "I'm sorry Peter. But there's nothing I can do..." With that, Roger closed the door to his house. Peter sighed heavily. "This is going to be so hard on Annalise..." he thought as he walked back to the hospital.

After that day, Roger deeply regretted his actions. He wanted to go back to her, but didn't know how. Annalise had finally come out of her state of shock four weeks after Roger left her. And finally, six months later, he contacted her, asking her to meet with him. She hesitantly agreed. However, when she arrived at the park, she saw Roger and another girl. Kissing. Her heart shattered that day. She walked up to him and slapped him. "I can't believe you! I thought you loved me!" Annalise screamed at him, tears streaming freely down her cheeks. "I do! Annalise, please let me explain!" Roger exclaimed. He had pushed the girl away from him. The girl stood there, wide eyed. "There's nothing to explain, Roger! You were kissing her! You said you wanted to apologize and make it up to me. That you wanted to get back together. You liar!" "I didn't lie! Please!" Roger grabbed her arm. "Let go of me! I hate you!" Annalise yelled. Her words rung in their ears clearly. "I hate you....I hate you...I hate you..." Their eyes were wide. They both stood their stunned. It was as if something inside them, snapped. And something did.....Their bond...."Well then, if you don't want me, then I don't want you." With that, Roger left. The couple cut off all communication. Roger changed a lot that day. He began hanging out with a group of boys that weren't exactly the best group to hang around with. Each day, Annalise's heart broke some more, but never let it show. Several times, she found Roger bullying other people. That really stung. But what hurt most, was when he turned around and did the same thing to her. And her little brother.

Third Person POV:

Now you know what happened between the couple. Their bond has grown weaker and weaker. When their wolves communicated with each other, the bond seemed to grow a little stronger but not enough to do anything. However, when Roger and Annalise took back control, the bond only weakened. 

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