Chapter 11

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Peter's POV:

 I walked home from training feeling a little disappointed. Story always comes to watch my training sessions. She's always there to cheer me up when I make a mistake. She's always there to support me. But, today....she wasn't there. I had a hard time focusing on my fighting because my mind was on Story. Where was she? Why didn't she come? Is she ok? Did something happen? All these questions raced through my mind as I entered the house. "Hey, Peter, how was your day?" Annalise asked. "Ok, I guess.." I mumbled going into my room. I put my backpack away and lay down in my bed, staring at the ceiling. A minute later, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I invited. Annalise came in and sat down on my bed. "Alright, what's wrong? What happened?" she asked. I looked up at her. "Did something happen at school?" "No, it's not that..." I answered. "Then what is it?" "I didn't do very well in training today....I guess I was distracted..." "What were you distracted by?" "I was thinking about Story. She wasn't there to watch me train and cheer me on like always. I hope everything's ok..." Annalise took my hand and gave me a small smile. "Don't worry. I'm sure she's ok. If you want, you could give her a call, see if she's ok." I smiled at my sister. "Thanks, sis. I'm gonna go call her now!" I declared, going over to the phone. I dialed the number, and soon, Mr. Thomas answered the phone. "Oh, hello, Peter. It's nice to hear your voice. How are you?" "I'm doing well, sir. I hope you all are too." He sighed before answering. "Well, I'm ok...Anyway what are you calling about?" I frowned. Strange. "Well, I wanted to see if Story was ok. We were supposed to meet up but she never showed." "I see. Well, Story is alright. If you like, I'll go get her and you can talk to her." "Yes, sir, that'd be nice. Thank you, sir." It was a couple minutes before I heard Story's voice at the other end of the line. "Hi, Peter!" "Hey, Story! Everything alright with you?" I heard her sigh. "It's a long story, Peter. But anyway, I'm sorry I didn't come to training. It must've slipped my mind." I frowned. Story never forgot our dates. She wouldn't have forgotten this date unless something was really wrong. "Story, what's wrong?" I asked. "Well.....Alright, I'll tell you. But can we meet?" "Of course, Story! Where?" "The park? 4:30?" I nodded. "Sounds good. I'll see you soon, my love." She giggled a little. It was nice to hear her laugh. She sounded....sad...almost worried while we were talking. I hung up and told Annalise I was going out. She nodded. "Alright. But I want you back by 8." "Ok, sis. I'll see you later." "Be careful!" "I will!" With that, I left the house.

 Annalise's POV:

 All day I was feeling a little off. For the past few days I'd been feeling that way. It was weird. Were-creatures don't really get sick. Not to mention it kinda just came on suddenly. Well, I never said anything to anyone. Including Peter. And I didn't try to get a day off of work. I knew if I did try, I'd be fired or something. You might be wondering why I don't just quit. Well, believe me, I've been considering it. But I need the money. Even if it means dealing with.....A boss that is just plain horrible. I know that John has convinced Ashlynn to find a different job with a better boss. She's still looking, so she'll still working with me. Honestly, I'll miss her once she's gone. I could do the same, but it was hard enough for me to find this job. How am I gonna find another?? 

 Story's POV:

 I smiled brightly when I saw Peter. I was so glad to see him, I literally ran into his arms and held him tightly, refusing to let go. The past few days have been kinda.....rough...."Story, are you alright??" Peter asked once we finally released each other. I looked away. "The past few days have just been really hard..." I answered slowly. Peter held my hand in his and I looked up at him. "What's going on, Story? Whatever it is, I will be right here by your side through it all. I'll always support you and love you through it all." I gave him a small smile. "I love you, Peter.." "I love you too." he mirrored my smile. I took a deep breath and finally told my mate everything. "I went in to ask if he wanted to eat with us but found he still wasn't awake, which is really weird for him. I noticed he was sweating a lot. I tried to wake him, but he didn't even stir. I ran down the stairs and told mom and dad, who ran up to his room. They took his temperature and...found it was really high. Dad called the doctor, who came almost immediately..." Peter gave my hand a gentle squeeze as he frowned a little. "What did he find wrong?" I shook my head and shrugged. "He doesn't know what's wrong. He just knows that.........Roger is dying..."

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