Chapter 9

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Story's POV:

 "Roger, are you feeling ok...? You don't look so good.." I frowned as I looked at my brother, sitting across from me at the dinner table. He'd decided to join us this time for dinner. "Yes, son. Your sister's right. Should I get the thermometer? Or a doctor?" my mom asked. "No mom. I'm ok. Just tired." Roger told us. "Ok...Though it seems like there's more to it than being tired." my mom stated. I agreed. I didn't want to worry her or dad, so I mind-linked him. We tell each other everything. Practically. Maybe he'd tell me how he's really feeling if we were talking in private..."Roger, I know you aren't just tired. Come on, just tell me the truth! We used to be really close....We'd tell each other basically everything....I'm your little sister...I love you, big brother.." Roger looked over at me and sighed. He didn't answer. Except, "I love you too, little sister..." I could feel myself on the verge of tears. Why...? He's sick! It's as clear as the nose on my face! I just wish he'd tell me the truth..."Can I be excused please?" I said quietly. "Yes, dear. Are you ok?" my dad asked. I nodded, faking a smile as I stood up and went to my room. "I just don't get why he won't tell me the truth...Why?! When did I become someone he can't talk to??" I exclaimed to my wolf, Aliya. "I don't know, Story...I'm sorry...It hurts me too..." I wiped tears from my eyes. "Oh, Aliya, I wish Peter was here..." "Me too..." I suddenly had an idea. "If Roger and Peter can do it, we can too. I just hope Mom and dad don't find out." Aliya nodded in agreement. I opened my window and climbed down the trellis. "Oh, this is scary....What if I fall and break my neck?!" I exclaimed to my wolf. "It'll be ok...Don't look down..." she told me with a whimper. I could hear the fear in her voice. Finally, I made it to the ground. "Oh, thank goodness..." my wolf and I let out a sigh of relief. After I had caught my breath, I ran in the direction of Peter's house.

 Roger's POV:

 I frowned as I watched my sister go up the stairs. She was right...Maybe I could tell her and trust her not to tell anyone...After I had excused myself from the table, I went up to her room and knocked on her door. "Story? It's Roger. I'm sorry...Can we talk?" I called to her. There was no answer. I frowned in confusion. Strange. I knocked again. "Story? Little sis?" "This is weird. Why isn't she answering?" I asked my wolf. He shrugged. I shook my head and opened the door. My eyes were wide as I looked into her empty room. "The window is open!" Lewis declared. Oh, crud. I am going to kill her. "Well, technically, it's our fault. We did it. She probably learned it from us." I groaned. Lewis was right. I did it all the time when.....Annalise and I were........Together...I shook my head. "Well, if she learned it from me, she most likely went to see Peter. We'll talk to her when she gets back." Lewis nodded and I went to my room. When I get to talk to her, I'm gonna make sure she never does this again. That's dangerous! "Says the one who climbed out his window and leaped onto the tree outside his window and climbed down it." I stared at my wolf. Oh boy..."And, you climbed up the tree, leaped onto the roof, and climbed back through the window." "Ok, ok, I get it! I'm a lousy role model! You don't have to remind me, Lewis." he laughed. I just shook my head and cut off the connection. Lewis was right. It is partly my fault. She learned it from me...I thought for a minute. Maybe while she's gone, I can make sure mom and dad don't find out she's gone! Good thing we have a secret door in our rooms that lead to one another's bedroom. I put this in when I was twelve. Mom and dad were away and Story was having bad nightmares. So, I decided, to make a way to get to her room faster. We never told mom or dad about it. Sometimes, we'd use it to sleep in each other's bedroom. I sometimes slept with her when she had a nightmare. Or, she'd come sleep with me. I used to love that...We don't do it anymore...But, that might also be my fault...Everything is my fault...

Annalise's POV:

 Peter and I had just finished dinner when we heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it. You start clearing the table." I told my brother. He nodded and picked up our plates. I went to the door and opened it. To my surprise, I saw Story. She had tears in her eyes and she was soaked from the rain. "Story??" she entered and hugged me tight. I gasped, my eyes wide as I hugged her back. I ran my hand over her wet hair. "Shh...It's ok, Story..." I whispered. "Do you want to see Peter?" We broke away from the embrace and she nodded. I nodded and closed the door before leading her into the dining room. "Story?! Your soaked!" Peter exclaimed, putting the glasses he'd had in his hand down and rushing over to her. "What happened, Story?? What's wrong??" "How about you take her into my room and get some clothes for her. Make sure she dries off completely." I told my brother. He nodded and led Story into my room. I continued clearing the table, a little concerned about the girl. I hope everything's ok..

 Peter's POV:

 While Story changed into one of Annalise's dresses, I went into my room real quick and grabbed one of my hoodies. I returned to the room just as she had stepped out of the bathroom. She was wearing a gray dress. It was a little big, but for now it'd work. "Here, Story. You can wear my hoodie." I handed her my dark blue gray hoodie. She put it on and smiled gratefully. "Stay here and dry your hair. I'll be right back." I told her. She nodded and I exited the room. I made her a quick cup of hot chocolate and got a couple cookies and brought them to the bedroom. "I made you some cocoa." I smiled at her. "Thank you, Peter.." she replied, taking the steaming mug of cocoa. I sat down beside her, setting the cookies down on the nightstand. "Story, what happened? What's wrong?" I asked gently. She looked at me and told me about her troubles. I frowned and hugged my mate as she cried on my shoulder. "It'll be alright...He's still your brother and he still loves you so very much. You still mean the world to him. Perhaps....He just doesn't want to worry you.." I said quietly. "But he is worrying me.." "I know, my love...I know...Perhaps he'll come to and tell you what's going on..." I wiped her tears away with my thumb as she looked up at me. "Now finish your cocoa. I'm gonna ask Annalise if you can stay the night." Story nodded and I stroked her hair with a small smile as she drank her hot chocolate and nibbled on a cookie. After she'd finished her snack, I brought the dishes into the kitchen and asked Annalise about her staying the night. To my delight, she agreed. I immediately called the Thomas'. "Hi! This is Peter, Story's mate. I wondered if she could spend the night." "Well, maybe tomorrow, Peter, but right now, Story is in bed." her mother told me. I frowned, confused. "Mrs. Thomas, Story is here. Didn't you know??" I asked. "What?? Rick, go check to see if that really is Story in her bed." A few minutes later, I heard Mrs. Thomas exclaim, "She is really not in bed?! Peter, do you know something??" "Yes, ma'am. I guess, maybe she slipped out the back door because she just missed me and wanted to see me.." I knew very well that wasn't completely true, but I didn't want to tell her parents what really happened. "I see...Well, alright...Just have her home by lunch tomorrow. And tell her next time she wants to see you, to tell us before she goes sneaking off." "Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am." "No problem, Peter. Say goodnight to our daughter and Annalise for us." "I will. Night, Mrs. Thomas." "Goodnight, Peter." I hung up and went to tell Annalise Story could stay. "I'll come in later to check on you two. If she wants, she can use my sleeping bag. I'm glad I didn't sell it like I'd been considering." my sister and I laughed. Story and I were delighted. I set up Annalise's sleeping bag in my room and grabbed one of her pillows. Last, I grabbed a blanket, just in case. "If you get cold, or you just want to cuddle, you can come up on my bed with me." I smiled at my little mate. "Thanks, Peter," she smiled back at me. I'm honestly really happy she snuck out to see me. 

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