Chapter 19

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 Annalise's POV:

 It's been a month. Roger has gotten out of bed a few times. Sometimes, with help. It was never for a long time though. Today is the anniversary of mom's and dad's death. It was Roger's idea that we go visit their grave together. Every year, I would go with Peter. This year, I would go with Peter, Roger, and Story. 

 My heart pounded as it always did when we were on our way there. Peter and Story were in the back seat. Roger sat in the passenger seat beside me. I told him to rest while we drove, but he knew I was on edge, nervous, and upset. I had all these emotions and honestly, I'm glad at the moment our bond is broken so he can't feel them. But, I guess he didn't need the bond to know what I was feeling. He put his hand on my knee. I gave a small sad smile, trying to force myself not to cry. But, I failed. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I pulled over and wiped my eyes. "Annalise, do you want me to drive..?" Peter asked from the back seat, probably knowing I was upset. "I have my permit with me.." I nodded slowly and we all got out. Roger and I sat in the back with Peter and Story in the front. Peter was learning to drive. He was a really good driver. Next year, when he turns 17, he'll take the driver's test. I sat in the middle, Roger right next to me. In the middle, one, I could be closer to my mate. Two, I could see Peter better. Roger held my hand and put his head on my shoulder. I put my head on his. It wasn't long before he was fast asleep. I smiled, listening to his soft snores. "Sis, was it left or right...? I don't remember..." Peter asked me as he stopped at a stop sign, which stood at an intersection. "Left, Peter." I instructed. "Remember, the speed limit is 45 in through here." Peter nodded. "Thanks, Ann." "No problem!" After it was safe to go, Peter turned left and we were on our way again. Within half an hour, we were there. "Do you want me to park closer? Or the usual spot?" Peter asked, turning into the cemetery. "Park closer," I told him, "Roger still doesn't have all his strength. It'll be better for him if he doesn't have to walk to far." "Ok," Peter nodded, driving slowly through the cemetery. When Peter parked, I woke Roger, who hadn't moved from my shoulder the whole time. Roger slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes. I smiled at him. I remember the night of my seventeenth birthday, Roger and I fell asleep, cuddling on the couch. I still have the picture mom took of us. Watching him rub his eyes, just reminded me of that night...Anyways, we unbuckled our seat belts and got out. We walked over to mom and dad's grave. Peter approached the grave first with Story. He bent down at placed a bouquet of light colored tulips on the ground. "Hey, dad...Hey mom...I'm not alone this time with Annalise. I found my mate...This is Story." Peter replied, his voice choked up. He had a sad smile on his face. "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison...You might remember me...Roger's little sister? Well, you would be so proud of Peter. His training is going really well and he's the best mate I could ever ask for...Thank you, for Peter..." Story said quietly, her arm around Peter. They stepped further back and Roger and I stepped up. I bent down and placed my bouquet of light colored tulips, with a few two colored tulips, on the ground beside Peter's . "M-mom...D-dad....I-I'm not alone either anymore....I'm back together with Roger...It's a long story of how...Maybe someday I'll tell it to you...I hope I made you proud..." Tears rolled down my cheeks, I could barely speak, my voice was so choked up. "I know they would be...Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison for Annalise...I know you'd be proud of both your children. I haven't been the best mate to your daughter. But I promise, I'll change and treat her the way she should've been treated all along. Like the queen she is." Roger said softly. "I love you, mom and dad..." Peter spoke up from behind me. "I love you too, mom and dad..." I said. Roger hugged me tight as I cried on his shoulder. Story hugged Peter. When we finally pulled apart, we climbed back in the car, Peter in the driver's seat and Story beside him. I sat in the back in the middle, Roger beside me. "The usual place, sis?" "Yes, Peter." I smiled and nodded. "Where are we going?" Roger asked. "Well, we told you we do this every year. Well, after we're done here, we go to mom and dad's favorite ice cream shop. It's actually the place where they met. " I answered. "An ice cream shop?" Story asked, looking back at me. "Yea. Dad was a worker there at the time. Then one day, mom came in to buy an ice cream. Their eyes met and they were happy ever since." Peter replied, putting the car in reverse. "Really?" "Mhm. Mom actually got a job there so she could be near him. After they got married, mom stopped working and took care of the house. She used to say her favorite part of the day was the evening. Even before they were married. It was when they would be home together, eat dinner together, do the dishes together, cuddle on the couch, and basically, just enjoy each other's company. I grew to love it too. But I really understood why she loved it, after I found Roger..." I told the girl. "Why?" "When we met, we were still in school. Evenings were our time to really spend together. Just like her parents." Roger answered. "Do you still like evenings?" I sighed, giving her a small smile. "After mom and dad died, they just weren't the same....I didn't have my parents, I didn't have my mate, but I did have my brother. The evenings were still my favorite part of the day because I'd come home and spend that time with Peter." "Ann, is it straight ahead or is this where I turn?" "This is where you turn. Then you go straight." I replied. "Oh, alright. Thanks." "No problem." Peter is still learning his way around when it comes to our traditions at this time of the year. This is the first time he's driven to the ice cream shop and the cemetery. Peter turned left then headed straight. I could see Roger was feeling tired, so I let him rest his head on my shoulder. His hand rested on my knee, my hand rested on his. His soft snores filled my ears. A tear came to my eye. After the accident, and after I saw Roger and that girl, I never thought I'd ever hear his snores again. I thought I'd be alone forever. But here I am...With my mate beside me, his snores filling my ears. I smiled and kissed his forehead before turning my attention back to my brother.

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