Chapter 21

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Annalise's POV:

 It was the next day. Peter was currently at training with Story. I'm sitting at the table on my laptop, unpaid bills next to my device. I'm trying to find another job. Not really going well...I haven't told anyone about my job situation. Not even Peter. Although, if things continue to go the way they're going, I'll have to tell him soon....

 At that moment, a knock sounded on the door. I frowned. "Who could that be...?" I mumbled, going to the door. Jewel was whining and yipping excitedly. When I got to the door, I instantly understood why. I could smell Roger's intoxicating smell from behind the door. I opened the door and looked at him, my eyes wide. "What in the name of all things good are you doing here?? You are supposed to be home recovering."

 "I came to talk to you..." he shrugged. 

 "You couldn't have waited till I came to visit with Peter??" Roger shook his head. I rolled my eyes. Oh, my stubborn mate....I then looked behind him. There was no sign of a car...How did he get here?? "Roger, how did you get here...?"

 Roger hesitated a moment before replying. "I walked....."

 I stared at him like he was insane. "Roger, why would you do that?! You really walked about 15 minutes just to talk to me?? Are you trying to hurt yourself??"

 "Dad wouldn't let me use the car." Roger shrugged it off like it wasn't important. Oh, this guy..... 

 "Well, that makes two of us. I wouldn't have let you drive the car either. Did you want to risk falling asleep behind the wheel and killing yourself??"

 "Well....No...." he admitted.

 I rolled my eyes. "Come on in. I'll just take you home later. Do your parents even know you're here?"

 "I'm 22 not 12, Annalise." Roger deadpanned. 

 "You're also getting on my nerves." I smiled sweetly. "You're getting over being sick. You almost died, Roger. Do you think that's funny?? Or something to take lightly?? It's not! You should be home taking it easy and resting! Not walking a mile to my house!" 

 "I needed to talk to you, Annalise! I know it wasn't exactly the smartest idea I've ever had, but this is important!" Roger exclaimed. He sighed and shook his head before looking at me. "I'm sorry, Ann...I'm just worried about you..."

 My expression softened. "You don't need to worry about me, Roger...I'm fine.."

 "But you aren't fine, Ann...Something is bothering you...I knew you wouldn't tell me on your own, so I wanted to talk to you myself..."

 I sighed. "Come in and sit down...I'll tell you what's going on.." I knew Roger wasn't going to let this go. He wasn't that type of person. 

 We went into the living room and sat down on the couch next to each other. I turned to him, taking his hands in mine. "Back when you were still unconscious, I called in sick for work..."

 "Ok...?" Roger looked confused. 

 I groaned. "Well, my boss wasn't exactly the best boss in the world. He fired me that day when I called in sick..."

 "What?!!" Roger exclaimed, his eyes wide.

 "Calm down! It's not that big of a deal." I told him in a firm but gentle voice. 

 "Then, does that mean you found another job?"

 "Well...Not exactly..."

 "So you've been out of a job since I was unconscious!? How is that not a big deal?!"

 "Roger, don't get yourself so excited! I can handle it, ok??" I told him. 

 "Annalise...Just tell me the truth..."

 I froze in my place. I looked down, almost afraid to look him in the eyes. He was always a calm sort. Stubborn. But he was firm when he needed to be. He always knew when something was bothering me.

 "I just can't seem to find a job...I don't have the money to pay the bills...If I can't figure something out soon, Roger, I may lose the house...." I could feel tears forming in my eyes. This was my childhood home...Where I grew up with my mom, dad, and Peter...I was doing my best to hold onto it, but now, I felt like I was failing...

 I suddenly gasped in surprise as Roger pulled me into his embrace. I smiled, hugging him back. His hugs could always make me feel better....They were always warm and comforting....

 "Let me help you, Ann. Maybe dad can get you a job where he works." Roger said softly.

 "I don't know, Roger..." I said, looking away from him.

 He turned my head to face him. He wiped my tears with his thumb. "Please, Annalise...Give it a chance...I know my dad would love to help you...I won't let you become homeless. I won't let you lose the house that means so much to you. Even if you can't get a job with dad, I promise, somehow, I'll find a way to help you."

 I smiled up at my mate. "Thank you, Roger..."

 "Of course, Annalise..." Roger smiled back at me, cupping my cheeks. I smiled and closed my eyes as I relaxed into his touch. Our bond may have snapped, but I could still feel the sparks that flew at our touch. They weren't as strong, but they were there.

 "Why don't I get you something to drink...? You must be thirsty from walking all the way here." I suggested. Roger nodded, still smiling a little, and watched as I stood up. "Ok then. Just wait here. I'll be right back."

 I went to the kitchen and poured a couple glasses of lemonade. I put the pitcher back in the fridge before picking up the glasses. I then walked back out to the living room. I stopped and chuckled a little when I saw Roger lying on the arm of the couch, fast asleep. 

 "Oh, Roger..." I smiled and walked over, placing the glasses on the coffee table. I took a throw pillow and placed it gently under his head before placing a throw blanket over him. "There..." I said quietly before kissing his cheek. "I love you, Roger..."

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