Chapter 16

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 Story's POV:

 Several days passed. Roger was slowly getting better. However, he was still unconscious. He just wouldn't wake up. His and Annalise's marks were slowly beginning to fade. I know it kinda hurt Annalise. She didn't want her mark to fade and she didn't want Roger to fade with it. She cared and tended to my brother every day. She never left his side. Peter stayed by my side, making sure I was alright. I was really grateful for him. 

 Annalise's POV:

 I love him...I don't know why, or how, but I do know, that he's my mate. My other half. My everything...I don't know if he will live. I don't know if it is too late for us. But I know that I'm going to try as hard as I can to rebuild what we had. To nurse him back to health. I won't lie and say part of me isn't nervous. I mean, he really hurt me...What if it happens again? Another part of me though, is planning a whole list of things we can do together....If he even wants to rebuild our relationship. If he doesn't, that's alright...I will do my best to forget him and let him go if that is what he wants. It's been days since the doctor told us he was getting better. I just wish he would wake up... "If he's getting better why the hay isn't he waking up?!" "Sis...Calm down..." Peter said gently, coming up behind me. "I-I said that out loud..?" "Yes.." I sighed sadly. "You really care about him...Don't you?" I didn't answer. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. "Annalise, please, just tell me the truth. You said before you hated him. But this-this is not what hate looks like." I closed my eyes as I stood up and faced him. "I-I do care about him....But.....But how am I supposed to trust him again...? After what I saw...? After what he did....?" Peter shook his head. "I can't really answer that, big sister...But, I know he cares about you. Like you do him. Maybe...Maybe it was a misunderstanding....?" I stared at him. "Brother, I saw him kissing another girl." I deadpanned. "Miss Annalise..." Story spoke up quietly. I looked over at her. "I found this while you were getting some water for him...It's a journal...His handwriting..." I frowned. Roger kept a journal? I took it as she handed it to me. I sat down on Roger's bed as I read it. My eyes were wide, tears rolling down my cheeks.

'January 30th

 Annalise and I just celebrated our anniversary. I'm so glad I met her.
She is my everything. She loved the locket I gave her. And she gave me a
pocket watch. I love it. I've been thinking about proposing to her. I'm nervous, honestly.
But, I think I can do this. Annalise and I love each other so very much. 
I'm planning on going to the jewelry store to pick out a ring. Sometimes,
we talk about stuff like this, Annalise and I. I thought about proposing and going with her to pick out a ring, so she could probably pick one out herself. But, she always says she wants me to surprise her with one. She wants me to pick one out myself. And I will. I can't wait!'

 "H-he wanted to propose....?" I whispered. My wolf whined sadly. I turned a couple pages and stopped at one dated August 3rd...The day my parents died...

 'August 3rd

 Annalise and her parents were in a car accident today...Annalise was alright, 
thank goodness. But...her parents died...Annalise was so heartbroken....She's
gone into shock...She won't talk to anyone...Not Peter, not Story...Not even me...
I feel so bad for her...But I also feel so...alone...So upset...Why won't she 
talk to me?? I'm her mate! I can help her! I can do my very best to comfort
 her if she just let me! I don't know what to do....I want to be there for her...But I don't know how....I don't know if I can...'

Tears rolled down my cheeks. "I-I had no idea..." I said, my voice cracking. "You were in shock, Ann...You weren't yourself...It isn't your fault..." Peter said in a quiet voice. I flipped through the book a few more pages.

 'February 5th

 I finally did something about my guilt. I felt so bad for abandoning Annalise when
she needed me most...I called Annalise and asked if she could meet me...
She agreed...I was so excited. I got dressed up in my best outfit and went
to the park to meet her. But, when I got there, Veronica Davidson, was there too...
She's had a crush on me since grade school. She began hitting on me and insulting
Annalise....I defended my mate, of course. I finally told her to leave.
I could feel Lewis was about to take over control. She agreed to leave, but before
she left, she kissed me.....I would have pushed her away, I swear on my life!
But it happened so fast, I was shocked! And then...Annalise showed up....She saw
the kiss....She yelled at me...Wouldn't let me explain....She said she hated me...
At that moment, I felt something inside me snap. I don't know what it was.
But...I told Annalise I didn't want her...You know, she said I was a liar....And she was
right....Just not about what she called me a liar for....I'm a liar for saying I didn't want her.
I do want her....And I need her....I don't know what I'll do without her....I don't think I can live without Annalise....I'm such a horrible mate and such an idiot....I don't think we'll ever get back together....No matter how much I wish we could....I just wish I could take everything I did, back! But I can't.....I just wish I could hold her and tell her I love her one last time...I wish I could grow old with her....Die lying in her arms....But I can't....I love you, Annalise Harrison...'

 I couldn't take it. I just broke down crying. What have I done....? If only I let him explain! I should have known he wouldn't have deliberately cheated on me! Peter hugged me tightly, my head on his shoulder and my hand on the bed. He was trying to comfort me and calm me down. But honestly, I'm not sure anything could. "I-I'm so sorry, Roger! I'm such a bad mate! An idiot!" I cried out. "No, no, sis, you aren't!" Peter declared firmly. At that moment, I stopped crying suddenly. I could feel a hand on mine. But it wasn't Peter's. And Story was behind Peter, so it wasn't hers. I slowly turned my head and looked down. It was Roger's hand.......Roger's eyes were opened slightly and he was smiling at me weakly. "ROGER!!" I shouted, hugging him tightly. My mate was awake! He was alright!

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