Chapter 8

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Roger's POV:

 One of my friends, John, had come over to visit. Probably wondering why I wasn't hanging out with them anymore. "Bro, you look terrible!" John exclaimed, staring at me. "Thanks." I grumbled. "Roger, what's going on? For one thing, you never look this bad. For another thing, you haven't hung out with the guys and I in like, two weeks straight!" "John, those guys are bullies. Do you think your mate is going to want you if you keep bullying others?" "Huh??" "John, bullying others is wrong! And just to impress them and you, I bullied too. I bullied my mate!" "So what? Your mate is a loser." "NEVER SAY THAT ABOUT ANNALISE AGAIN! SHE IS NOT A LOSER!" I yelled at him. John sat there, wide-eyed and staring at me. "O-ok, ok, I'm sorry..." he finally spoke, his hands up. I sighed. "John, we're hurting people...The people we care about most...It's too late for me. But it isn't for you. You haven't met your mate yet. And, you still have your sister." John lowered his gaze. "Ash did seem a little....different....Ever since I started hanging out with them...." he said quietly. "She's hurt. They changed us. Like I said, it's too late for me but not for you. Go to her, John." John hesitated. "Roger, I snapped at her countless times. I was not very nice to her. You really think Ashlynn will forgive me...?" "I do. It's not too late yet. She hasn't given up on you yet." John nodded and stood up. "Thanks, bro." he walked towards the door to my bedroom and opened it. But before walking out, he turned and looked at me. "Oh, and, Roger, do yourself a favor and get some sleep. You could use it. Maybe some food and a shower. Probably a hair brush too." I groaned. "Just go. My hygiene is not up for discussion right now."  "Ok, ok, fine. Just saying you need it. Bad." I picked up my pillow and threw it at him. Unfortunately, he had walked out of the room before it hit him. Oh well. I went over to my pillow to pick it up when something fell out of it. What on earth?...I bent down and picked up the small box. I frowned as I opened it. When I had taken off the lid, I gasped, my eyes wide. I'd almost forgotten about this....

 Annalise's POV:

 Ashlynn and I were sitting in my backyard. It was our day off of work. Or, at least I hope I have the day off. I haven't gotten a call from the de-I mean my boss yet. We were just sipping some iced tea and talking. We were talking about her brother. It made me sad to hear about him. It reminded me of Roger. But, really, not just that, because Ash was a good friend and it hurt to see her sad. At that moment, we heard a knock on the door. It was continuous. I was wondering if my boss' phone had stopped working, he found out where I lived, and he came to get me to go to work today. "I'll be right back, Ash." I replied, setting my drink down. "Ok, no problem." she told me. I walked into the house. "Ok, Ok! I'm coming!" I exclaimed, opening the door. It was John. Ash's brother. I stared at him. What was he doing here...? "Annalise, is my sister here?" he asked hurriedly. I nodded slowly. "Can I talk to her? Please?" "Um..Sure. Come on in." I let him in and led him to the backyard. It was a little weird, but whatever. Maybe he'd finally come to his senses. I didn't go outside with him, but stayed in the kitchen where I could see them from a window. I hope everything goes ok...

 Ashlynn's POV:

 My eyes were wide as I saw John approach me. "John? What are you doing here?" I asked. "Ash, I'm sorry....I just...I wanted to be one of the cool kids...I guess they changed me....I realized only today what I was doing was wrong...That I was hurting those I cared about most...That it was wrong....A true friend helped me realize that..." I stared at him in shock. Tears forming in my eyes. "I-is this for real...?" I asked. He nodded. I stood up and hugged my brother tight. It felt good to have my twin brother back. 

 Annalise's POV:

 "Yes!!" I cheered excitedly. I was so happy for Ashlynn. I kinda wondered who his true friend was. He didn't really hang out with anyone besides those jerks...Maybe there was actually someone decent in that group? I shrugged and took out a pitcher of lemonade and a few glasses. Maybe John could stay for a snack before he left. I poured the lemonade and put some cookies onto a plate. I put the drinks and cookies onto a tray and went outside. "Hey! Anyone up for refreshments?" I asked with a smile. "Oh, Ann! John apologized! He's not hanging out with those boys anymore!" Ashlynn said excitedly, hugging her brother tight. From the look on his face, I'd say he was happy, but also couldn't breathe. "Ash, I think you're cutting your brother's air off." I laughed. "Oh! Sorry.." Ash said sheepishly. "It's fine, Ashlynn. To be honest, I forgot how much I loved your hugs.." John smiled at her and sat down. We sipped our lemonade and ate our cookies while talking. It was fun hanging out with John and Ashlynn. Though....I don't know....Lately, I've been feeling like...there's something wrong. Not with me, though I can think of plenty of things wrong with me. My boss for starters...Anyway, I feel like.......There's something wrong with Roger. I was worried. It was kinda on and off, so I didn't feel it all the time. I think I feel it, because I have his mark. I know Jewel is worried too. She feels it too. She whines a lot. Even when we don't feel anything. Maybe because she knows something is wrong. "He'll be fine...It'll be alright...Right..?" I whispered to myself. Jewel whimpered in response. 

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