Chapter 15

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Peter's POV:

 I watched as Annalise applied a cool, wet cloth to Roger's forehead. I could see she really cared about him, which was new for her. I hadn't seen her doing anything like this for Roger since before...well...the accident. I could see in her eyes she was pondering something. Maybe wondering if he really cared for her. At that moment, my eyes caught sight of something on his dresser. I slowly walked over and picked it up. It was a pocket watch. Seems familiar somehow..."Annalise, come here. Do you recognize this?" I asked. She looked over at me and stood up. She came over to where I was standing and gazed at the piece. Her eyes went wide, tears forming in them. "What is it, sis?" "I gave Roger this pocket watch for our anniversary one year...You know the locket I always wear?" I nodded slowly. "He gave it to me that same year. Similar. They're both gold and on the inside, they both have a picture of him and me." I nodded slowly in understanding. I looked at my sister as she glanced over at her mate. "Do you think there's a chance we can ever be together...? That our bond could be mended...?" "I don't know, big sis...But....Maybe our wolves would know." Annalise looked over at me and smiled. "Ok. I'll ask Jewel." "I'll ask Lex." She nodded and looked back at Roger. "Lex, I know their bond is broken. But I still believe they deep down still love each other. Do you think there is a way for their bond to be mended at all?" Lex was silent for a moment before answering. "Yes. Though it has never been done. It may not even work. But, it's said, if a bond between two mates breaks, and later they realize they love each other, if they spend time with one another, laughing together, enjoying themselves, doing things together, then the bond will slowly begin to mend itself. Slowly. But both of them have to be on board all the way. The bond will not mend itself with only one. They both have to truly love each other." I nodded with a smile. "Thanks, Lex." "No problem, Peter." I looked over at Annalise, who still stood there. "Did Lex say anything?" I nodded and told her what he'd said. "Jewel said the same thing. So....I guess...If we really love reach other...for real...we still have a chance.." I nodded. "So...How do you feel about him..?" She looked away from me and shook her head. "I don't know...My feelings and emotions are all over the place right now...But, I do know, I hate seeing him like this. I do know I do care for him. I always have....Probably always will..." I sighed. Well, that's a start, I guess.

 Annalise's POV:

 A few days have past. I help look after Roger every day. And, don't worry about me losing my job. I already know I did. I did call in sick, but what did my boss care? He demanded I come in or I'm fired. I actually hung up on him while he was yelling. I wasn't in the mood to listen to one of his rants. I can always find another job....Eventually...I just hope I find one before I lose my house. There's been no change in Roger's condition. I'm honestly getting worried. "Roger...Please, you have to fight...I know I said I hated you all those years ago...But I don't...I know it's taken me a long time to finally admit this, but I love you. Always have, always will. You know, I meant every word of that song I sang to you...I'm sorry, Roger...I don't think I could live without you...Please, if you can hear me, believe me...Fight for your life.." I told him sadly, tears forming in my eyes. I rested my head on his chest and shut my eyes. "I love you...." I whispered softly, my voice cracking.

 Third Person POV:

 Roger heard every word his mate said. He was having trouble believing it, honestly. He had treated her so wrong. He abandoned her when she needed him most! But then, he heard her cry. He had hated it years ago when she would cry and he still did. "L-L-Lewis, do w-we have a chance....?" he very weakly asked his wolf. Lewis smiled weakly. "I thought you'd never ask." the guardian wolf replied.

 *A Few Days Later*

 Annalise's POV:

 "This is...impossible...." the doctor said, his eyes wide as he examined Roger. "What is it?" Story asked. "There's been a change in his condition. But it's not for the worst. It's for the better." "For real?? This is no joke??" Peter asked, his eyes wide. My eyes were wide as I listened to what the doctor said. "Yes, Peter. This is no joke. I don't understand myself how this is possible, but apparently it is." I smiled. "Jewel, did you hear that?? Roger may live!" I squealed to my wolf. She howled happily. "Our mark will still fade, but perhaps, if you really mean what you say, and he feels the same, we can get our mate back." I smiled brightly. "What do you suggest we do now, doctor?" Roger's mother asked. "I suggest you continue to care for him the way you have been. But be warned, this change may not last long. He is not out of the woods yet." We all nodded. "We understand. Thank you, doctor." Roger's father nodded. His parents saw the doctor out. Story, Peter, and I stayed behind. "Thank you for fighting, Roger...Please continue to fight if you can...I love you, babe..." I whispered into Roger's ear before kissing his cheek.

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