~Chapter 1~

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"Did you find anything?" I asked the doctor who was examining a body. "I'm not sure what the cause of death was. I'll have to take him to the lab" The doctor replied, slowly getting up and removing his gloves.

"What do you mean?" I looked at him confused. "There are two holes on the body. But they don't seem like they were inflicted in the same way." While he was speaking, the others came and carried the body away.

"What do you think is the cause of all this?" We started walking towards the police car. "I'm not sure, but whoever killed him really wanted him dead. I wouldn't like to speculate."He slowly get into his car.

"Please let me know as soon as you find something." I handed him my business card. "Of course, as soon as I find something more I will let you know Mr. Seo. Don't worry about it." He took the ticket from my hands.

"Thank you very much doctor." We said goodbye. "Goodbye Mr. Seo." He left. I wandered to the scene. Maybe the doctor is right, someone really wanted him dead for sure. The body was completely butchered.

There was blood everywhere. The weapon disappeared. Someone obviously made an effort to remove everything, they obviously wanted the body to remain, as if they wanted to convey some kind of message.

"Changbin!" I heard a voice calling me. I turned and saw my two friends. "I'm here!" I exclaimed and started waving my hand to show them where I was. As soon as they saw me, they started running towards me.

"It's good we found you." Yeonjun said, trying to catch air."Has anyone been looking for me?"I asked, taking water out of my bag and handing it to Yeonjun."Thanks." He took the bottle from my hand and opened it.

"Mr. Lee has come." Wooyoung gestured to the black car that had just parked."He was the one who reported the case?" He nodded. "They are looking for you is to ask you to go and talk to him." Yeonjun explained.

"Okay, I'll go." I adjust my tie." He also said he would wait for you at his apartment, which is on the 6th floor. "I nodded and then started towards the entrance of the building. The building was huge and wide.

It was covered in glass. At the entrance there are bells for three apartments. If they live in a building, shouldn't there be more apartments. I pressed the button next to the plaque that said Lee Family.

"Hello?" Someone's voice came over the speakerphone."Detective Seo here, I need Mr Lee. May I speak with him?" There was silence for a few seconds."Of course, feel free to come in." The door was open slightly.

Behind the door was an elevator." Thank you very much." I enter the elevator. Pressed the button for the 6th floor. It's a very strange building inside. There should only be a speakerphone for the front door.

I press a button to open the door. There is also nowhere that it is written who lives on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th and 8th floor. After a few seconds, the elevator stopped and the doors began to open. I started to go inside.

The apartment is huge. Their apartment seems to spread over an entire floor. At the very entrance there is a huge living room. Hanging from the ceiling was a chandelier that looked like it was made of brass.

In the middle there is a sofa and bookshelves. The windows from floor to ceiling. On the right, there are stairs leading to the first floor. While in the right corner of  stairs there are two more doors.

"Excuse me!" I went to experience but no one answers. "This is Detective Seo I would like to speak with Mr. Lee!" Maybe they're on the top floor. I climbed up to the upper floor. The floor consists three more doors.

I'm not sure what to do. I knocked softly on the first door."Excuse me!" There was a sound from the other side. I jumped for a moment, but then slowly open the door and began to enter. I think this is a bedroom.

My gaze rested on the person lying on the bed. He raised his head. A men with blond long hair, clean skin with the most beautiful face. Then I realized that he was completely naked, I slammed the door. My face was red.

Footsteps were heard. I walked away from the door, but the door opened. At the door was a man who had been lying in bed, but now he had a blanket over himself. He locked eyes with mine and smiled slightly.

"You are the person who rang a moment ago?" He asked me without taking his eyes off me."Yes and I apologize for barging into your room. I'm Detective Seo, are you Mr. Lee?"I apologized.

I slowly walk away a few steps without breaking the gaze with my eyes, I couldn't stop but I really wanted to. "I am, but I think the one you're looking for is my husband Minho." He turned to go back to bed.

"You are his...?" So Mr. Lee is married. "Wife? Yes I am." He replied proudly and then rolled onto his back lying on the edge of the bed facing me."Could I speak to Mr. Lee about case which he reported?" I asked.

The saliva in my throat and became nervous, and I don't know why. "Of course. Minho is in the bathroom, he should be out any second." I didn't know what to think. Everything is kind of weird here.

"My queen, was someone looking for me?" Another male figure formed behind me. This man is much bigger and taller."Darling, Detective Seo has come to talk to you." I turned to see the person behind me.

The person was naked with a towel around his waist, wet hair and the smell of tropical plants. Water poured from his face, which ran of ​​his perfectly abdominal muscles. I just blushed again and looked away.

"Detective?" I, still not daring to look at the person behind me again, nodded slowly. "I would be glad to speak with you. My queen, could you take our dear guest into the living room?" Mr. Lee asked his husband.

"Of course." The man from the bed slowly got up again and took the robe from the chair and put it on. Then he put on his fur slippers and came close to me again. "Here we go!" He said.

He took my hand and drag me down the stairs. The last thing I saw was Mr. Lee looking at us and smiling slightly, then he went into his room, closing the door behind him. I don't really know what to think.

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