~Chapter 8~

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Changbin POV:

It's been three weeks since that night. They really did quite well. I think I can say that I have got used to this new way of life. I'm not used to some things yet, but I'm trying.

In my opinion, the fact that my fake parents lied to me and that my whole life so far was one big lie and that they used me only to get money was the most influential.

At first it was hard for me to believe that they were using me, but when I consider what I've seen in the police, I'm not surprised at all. It could have been a lot worse than it is now.

Learning that my biological mother wanted to leave me didn't affect me much. I don't know that woman anyway. I am grateful that she gave birth to me, but like this she means absolutely nothing to me.

I will admit that I thought about what she looked like and what she was like and what everything would look like if she had raised me. Although, hearing that she was an alcoholic, I believe it would be very difficult and painful for me.

I've been thinking for the past three weeks about what my life would be like if I stayed with momma and dada. I believe much better. I would be surrounded by people who really care about me and who really care about me.

Speaking of momma and dada, they seem very happy. They seem much happier to me than when they kidnapped me- Brought me back home where I'm sure no one will hurt me.

Of the two, I think somehow momma was touched by this the most. That's why I'm glad to see him smiling and happy. I can't imagine what he has been through all these years.

He still took care of me, my first years of life. He was practically my second mother.  Also, taking on such a responsibility at only 13 years old is not easy at all. So I'm glad he's finally happy.

As for dada, he was also affected by this, too. Maybe a little less than momma, maybe even more. I believe he stays calm and firm because of momma. If he hadn't been like that, who knows what would have happened.

One of the two has to remain firm and strong, and he has clearly taken on that role. That's a big burden. But I feel that he must also have been very affected by everything that happened. I'm glad he's happy now too.

The past three weeks have not been particularly exciting. Nothing interesting happened. I think these three weeks have passed more in my ultimate getting used to my new life.

I finally made a truce with diapers.  Somehow they are no longer a problem for me. Maybe I'm still not comfortable doing certain activities in them, but as soon as that happens, they immediately change them.

Also, the choice of wardrobe doesn't bother me anymore. I kind of got used to this girly-baby style. Although I still don't understand the part with women's clothing, but I believe there is a reason for that.

The food also somehow became good for me. Although I somehow managed to convince them to introduce some other dishes in addition to porridge, fruit and bottles of milk, but the only condition for that was that everything I eat belongs to a healthy food.

As for feeding, I made another peace treaty with the high chair. Somehow I got used to it. I left the feeding to dada and momma, which was another condition.

We also established wake up and sleep times, as well as play times. Waking up is at 7 am and sleep is also at 7 pm. Playing is every day from 9-11 am and from 3-5 pm.

There is a small nap after lunch from 2-3 pm in the afternoon. Breakfast is at 8 am, lunch at 1 pm and dinner at 6 pm.  They are very strict with this schedule, but I know it's all for my own good.

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