~Chapter 5~

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"Binnie! They're here!"Came my mother's voice."I'm coming!"I quickly checked that I had brought everything, then I rushed out of my room heading for the exit door.

"Are you ready?" She asked me, handing me the jacket. "Yes." I took my backpack off my shoulders for a moment to put on my jacket.

"I would like to tell you something, before you go." I looked at her with a slightly worrying look."Tomorrow when you come back, we should have some people visit us." She said in a serious tone.

What kind of people now? They must be one of dad's business partners. Although if it was them, Dad would have given us a week's notice so that we could have everything ready for that evening. He must have forgotten to inform me. But then again, he always informs us about such things when we have dinner together.

"Dad's business partners?" She handed me the bags of snacks and juice I'd promised to bring. "Something like that."She replied.

I took the bags from her hands and nodded."They will come tomorrow at 2pm for lunch. I'd just ask you to come home at least an hour earlier. Ok?"I nodded and hugged her.

"Have a good time, say hi to them a lot and don't stay up too late playing games."She kissed my forehead and then there was a knock on the door.

I let her go."See you tomorrow! I love you!" I greeted her and then rushed out of the house. I wonder who the people are coming tomorrow.

Nightmare again. The last time I dreamed something like this was a couple of years ago. I stopped dreaming about them when I saw a psychiatrist. I went to therapy for a long time.

I don't know why I used to be ashamed of seeing a psychiatrist. I think that any person after all that happened, might even go further, plus they might be on medication. Maybe I should go back on anti-depressants and sleeping pills. I slowly started to stand up.

I still feel kind of sleepy, my memories from yesterday are a bit blurry. Somehow it was as if all the memories from yesterday were a dream. Certainly with memories from yesterday or not, I have to get out of here somehow.

I turned my head towards the window and saw that a new day had yet to dawn. Those two must still be sleeping, there's no way they're awake at this hour. This would be the perfect opportunity for me to get out of here.

The advantage that when you're little and you're babysitting or watching parents put babies in their cribs sometimes comes in really handy.

I slowly got up. I feel like my legs are made of gelatin. Faintness grips my whole body. No matter how weak I feel, I have to keep going.

I walked slowly clinging to everything I touched. We should just be careful not to trip on the light switch. If one of them woke up, for example to go to the toilet, and they see a light, they will realize that something is wrong. I walked with small and silent steps until I bumped into the door.

I leaned against them to listen if there was anyone in the corridor. Footsteps were heard. Lucky, I didn't open the door right away, otherwise I would have bumped into one of the two. I stood still trying not to make any sound.

Footsteps were heard approaching the door. My heart started beating fast. My breathing became difficult. Please don't go this way. If they see me trying to run, who knows what they'll do to me.

After a few seconds, the door to the room next to mine was opened. Looks like their room is right next to mine. After I heard the door close, I stood still for a few minutes to make sure no one was there.

I slowly started to open the door. The door didn't creak so I managed to get out slowly. The corridor was also very dark. It was so dark that you couldn't see a finger in front of you.

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