~Chapter 10~

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I waited for half an hour after they left the room and slowly started to get the documents I needed. When I returned to Mr. Lee's office, everything was clean. Something is not right here...

They didn't seem to touch anything. Or they just think I forgot about what happened.  Whatever it is, I have to focus. I think my escape from here depends on this, so I mustn't mess up.

I went to the desk and opened the physics which contained the documents I needed. I was surprised to see that they just returned them, but I don't want to. Still, this helps me solve the case.

I thought they were going to move them somewhere, but they think that I have become "their baby" so much that even if they saw something like that, I would never judge them. They think I'm just that naive.

I hid them in my sweater and slowly put everything back in its place. I tried to keep everything as it was left. On the way out, I heard their voices and that's why I ran to my room.

Now I just have to figure out where to hide them until Felix and Seungmin come.  Hmmm... Maybe under the bed mattress?  I believe they wouldn't check. Everything seems to be going well for me today.

I went to the bed and hid the papers under the mattress, trying not to see them, but still so that I could quickly take them out. I went back to the crib as soon as I heard footsteps.  I quickly covered myself.

The sound of footsteps grew louder by the second. Until finally there was a knock on the door. I closed my eyes and waited for them to come in and for me to "wake up". I was as calm as I could be.

The door opened. Someone came up to me and started petting my head. I tried not to show any reaction. Maybe not completely, but as much as possible so that it doesn't show.

"So cute." The voice belonged to Mr. Lee.  He sat down next to me and just kept petting my head looking at me. Although I can't see him, I can feel his gaze very much.  He is not malicious.

I wonder why he's here? I thought they would only come when Felix and Seungmin arrived... Honestly I'm not surprised. They are really weird. In some moments they are scary to me, and in others...

After what they told me about what happened and how they treated me... I just don't know what to think. I'm not even sure if that's true. Unfortunately, my parents are no longer alive to ask them...

It's quite strange... I mean I understand that my parents "maybe" kidnapped me, but how is it possible that Felix and Seungmin were kidnapped at the same time. Did they plan everything together?

I remember they were really good. I would never have guessed that they were actually bad. Even when the three of us quarreled, they always tried to reconcile us and to always be good to each other-

If they kidnapped us, knowing that they kidnapped us from people who are friends, why would they "force" us to hang out, so to speak. Shouldn't it be just the opposite? We shouldn't even know each other.

If they had kidnapped us, they certainly wouldn't have been neighbors. They would already be miles away. Strangely enough, people like them usually change their place of residence a couple of times.

We never moved. I also don't believe they would be located literally in the suburbs of that same city. So something is wrong with the story. Plus their parents... What did they think of all this?

I don't believe they said: "Hey, our kids want to buy a baby and become parents in their teenage years!" Yeah... I don't think anyone would do that. Unless their parents are a little hit on the head too...

I mean that part is weird... Okay I understand that my "maybe existing" mother didn't want me, and Minho and Hyunjin's parents maybe said: "Hey our kids want to help this poor kid!"

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