~Chapter 13~

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Minho's POV:

"How naive…" Hyung said looking at the screen image. I expected everything to go according to plan, normally with a few obstacles, but I really didn't expect it to go this well for us. I smiled proudly.

"I told you. We just had to put them in and everything would be fine... But you wouldn't listen to me...!" He smiled. It's really good that we put them in. They help us even more than they should.

"I know. Maybe I should have, but then it wouldn't have been the same reaction as it is now. It's much more interesting this way. Better to say, it's more fun!" I took a sip of wine from the glass next to me.

"And? What's next? Are you going to let them go like this for a while or…?" I didn't answer him right away, I just kept looking at the monitor. I can't believe we've come this far... But it's will still like this.

"Let it stay like this for now... I want to see what else will happen. No matter what they do it won't help them. Although... I want to see how far they'll go..." He can't stop what we doing anyway.

"Them? Which ones? There's only one person here is in a bad position? Wait - Do you mean...? I see...! Well... There's no helping them now. They're done." I know... But I am amused to see hope in vain.

"It doesn't matter. Like I said... Fate and ending are the same. I've taken everything into account. Plus I know him too well for anything to surprise me." Although... There is one thing that could sabotage us...

"But, be careful. He doesn't seem like easy prey to me. Our story was one thing, yours is something completely different..."  Everything would have been easier if that person had not stood in my way then...!

"Hyung... I just don't understand one thing...? Was it really necessary to get rid of him like that? I mean..." We both looked at him. He immediately fell silent. I know who he means... I hate that person so much!

"If he hadn't stuck his nose where it didn't belong, he wouldn't have finished the way he did. But then again, maybe he's better than someone else." Memories started flooding back.

Eunkwang POV:

I strode furiously towards the office of my so-called 'friend' and boss. He and his husband... Ugh! BOTH of them are monster!  I hate them! They will pay me for what they did to my parents and my brother!

I furiously opened the door and rushed into their office. As usual he sat in his armchair calmly and looked at his computer and finished his work. How can he be so calm after everything?! HEARTLESS!

"Hyung? What are you doing here? Did something happen?" He looked at me in amazement. I just looked at him sharply.  Because he seriously asks me what happened?! Is he KIDDING me?!

" 'Did something happen?!' Are you seriously asking me that?! I should ask that question TO you, NOT you to me!" He just looked at me blankly. Ugh! I hate him! He pretends to be innocent.

"I do not understand what you're trying to say." So he is definitely pretending to be CRAZY! But his madness will not pass! He's going to pay me for everything! I will definitely kill him!

"You don't understand?! And would it help you to understand if you saw THIS!" I put down on his table, or rather threw, all the pictures and documents that I had collected and found. There is no going back now.

"Hyung… What is this?" Now I looked at him palely. He seriously thinks that his acting will pass with me?! He obviously doesn't take me seriously. But I will show him that he CAN'T do that with me!

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