~Chapter 6~

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"Baby, ready for a bottle?"I nodded. He brought the bottle to my mouth and I immediately began to drink. I was completely calm and obedient. However, in order to realize the plan, I would have to be like this.

Ever since I found out about the rules yesterday, I've been acting like a real baby.  Yesterday, after the conversation, I let them undress me, bathe me, feed me, and even read me a bedtime story.

Although to be honest, when they gave me a bedtime story last night, I hesitated, but I agreed anyway. From now on, I don't choose means just to gain their trust. I'll get it, even if I have to listen to Little Red Riding Hood until I get it.

After reading the story, I even allowed myself to give them a 'good night kiss'. The very thought of having to kiss them disgusts me, but I have to. As people say: what must be done is not difficult.

After a few minutes I finished the bottle. "Well done baby! You finished the bottle so quickly."He put the bottle down on the table and then turned me towards him. I placed my face on his shoulder to 'burp'.

"Since you've been good today dada and I have a surprise for you."Surprise?"Finally the playroom is done!"He said excitedly. A playroom? What is that? This is the first I've heard of the playroom.

"I believe you will like it."He picked me up and I leaned on his shoulder. We started slowly up the stairs. I assumed they were going to take me to my room, but instead we went into a room next to theirs.

"Let's talk to dad first, then we'll go right away so you can see the new room!" Hyunjin knocked on the door. After a few seconds someone's voice, which I believe belongs to Mr. Lee, was heard saying 'come in freely'. He opened the door and we entered the room, which looks like a home office to me.

The room was huge, like every room in this apartment. I noticed that almost all the walls on the lower floor are green, while on the upper floor all the walls are yellow. To be honest, this is the first time I've seen such a color selection.

There were wooden bookshelves all over the room. With the leather furniture in the room, the room felt like a real office or possibly some of the furniture in the luxury houses in the movies.

My gaze drifted to Mr. Lee, who was sitting in his armchair wearing glasses and looking at his computer. After we entered his serious look turned into a happy look.

He reminds me of my father. The happiness on his face when my mother and I would come to see him was truly indescribable.

"Darling! Baby!"He called happily. He stood up and took off his glasses, then came over and hugged us."Baby, welcome to dada's office."He took me from Hyunjin's arms. At the same moment, I grabbed his neck with my hands.

"Dada!"I greeted him with a fake happy smile and then kissed him on the cheek. He looked at me a little surprised, but also happy. He kissed back on the cheek."You're so cute."Hyunjin exclaimed, taking a picture of us. I don't think anyone has photographed me this much in my life.

"Baby, today is going to the playroom for the first time."Mr. Lee kissed my cheek again. Just to get to the bathroom. I'm about to exterminate the last lump that remained on my cheek from the kisses.

"Really? That's really nice. I hope you like it."He handed me back to Hyunjin."Yeah, let's go now and I'll be back." He will be back? Singular? Does this mean I will be left to be alone? If that's the case, I'll finally get a chance to snoop around the place a bit. We headed to the room that was right next to mine.

"We're coming in."He slowly opened the door and turned on the light. After the door opened, the entire room was filled with…toys? Toys. What should I do with them myself? They don't expect me to play with them, do they?

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