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My ears are ringing as everyone in the arena screams and cheers as the lights dim and the Ducks introduction video starts to play. I'm screaming along side everyone.

Trevor managed to get the whole family into one of those fancy private boxes for tonights game. But tomorrow night we're sitting a few rows behind the bench, aka my favorite place to sit because you're close enough to see the players well but far enough away to see the whole rink.

We are all decked out in Ducks gear, and of course, all of us are wearing Trevor's number. We really are that family.

Mom made us take pictures, again. These ones are just the three of us but she plans on taking some of us with Trevor after the game, because in her words "I don't want to distract him before the game". Which I then whispered to Ava, "What if they loose and he's in a bad mood?" Which made Ava laugh...Mom not so much.

They're playing the Kings tonight, so almost every seat in the arena is filled. It's almost equal Kings fans and Ducks fans. I have a feeling it's going to be a good game. More than anything I'm just happy the whole family is together again. I've missed moments like this.

The energy of a hockey game is unmatched, it's electrifying. And being with the whole family watching Trevor play is almost nostalgic at this point.

Growing up we'd go to all of Trevor's games together. I remember doing homework at games and practices because they'd go so late sometimes.

The lights in the arena dim and I look up at the big screen in the center of the room. The video shows Trevor a couple times, our whole family screams every time and so does a lot of the arena. He's having a pretty good season, and all of the die hard Ducks fans have big hopes for his future on the team.

There's a clip of Jamie that sends chills up my spin, the look on his face is different then his usual soft look. He looks up into the camera, his face is so intimidating, but he plays hockey so of course he has a tough side but he only seems to show it on the ice. Maybe in bed...the announcers voice cuts my thoughts short and my eyes move to the ice.

"Welcome to the ice your Anaheim Ducks!"

Half the arena gets on their feet, including my family and I as the team skates out.

"There he is!" Mom points to the ice with a big smile, you can't tell who she's pointing at but we all know she's trying to point at Trevor who's circling behind the net. But I'm watching Jamie who's just a few steps behind him and I keep my eye on him through all of warm ups. He's got a good arm on him, when he hits the puck into the net it makes the perfect snaping noise.

Someone taps my shoulder and I turn to my right, it's Ava, "Come with me to the bathroom?"

We're sitting behind our parents and Griffin.

I nod and stand up, following her out of the chairs. I follow her out of the box and down the hallway to the women's restroom.

"Are you good?" Ava asks as we step into the bathroom.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I question standing in front of the mirror, checking my makeup. I'm actually in a really good mood tonight.

"You we're just spacing out," she says from inside the stall, "I honestly just wanted to make sure Connor hadn't reached out."

I groan, loudly.

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