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"Kenny!" Jess cheers as Jamie and I make our way down the dock towards all of his friends a few days later. They're already loading up Ryan's family's boat with coolers.

"Hi!" I wave.

"Already replacing me with her?" Jamie teases.

"Yeah she's hotter and funnier, it's a no brainer! Sorry, Drysdale, your cut," Jess says obviously sarcastically but she's speaking at a such regular tone you would think she was being serious. The smirk on her face is what gives it away.

We've only hung out twice and I'm already obsessed with her. She's so fun.

"Well damn," Jamie sighs as we make it to the group and Jess pulls me into a hug.


"Okay, so who is every one else?" I ask Jess. Her and I are sitting under the sunshade of the boat. We just docked in a little cove on the lake and everyone jumped in the water besides us.

"Okay so Kaden and Ryan are actually cousins, this is their grandparents boat," Jess explains, "And so is the house we'll all be at later."

"And Colton is just another kid we grew up with, and Amelia grew up next door to Jamie but now she goes to school in Florida, so we don't get to see her often," she says.

"Wait I thought Max lived next to Jamie." They live on the end of their street, they only have one next door neighbor.

"Yeah, Max and Lia are twins."

"Oh," I nod looking out at the group of people in the water, "She's really pretty."

As soon as she got in the boat I thought that, she has the prettiest light brown wavey hair and brown eyes. And when she took off her dress cover up I think my jaw actually fell to the floor, she looked like a runway model.

"Yeah she's always been just naturally stunning," Jess nods.

"She and Jamie dated for a bit," Sophia's voice makes me jump. I turn to look at her, she's dripping in water as she dries her hair with a towel.

"Soph!" Jess scolds her.

They dated....

"Sorry, I thought maybe she knew?" Sophia shrugged then she looks at me.

Why didn't he tell me?

"Ken?" Jess waves her hand in front of my face.

Fuck. I have to beat that?

"Sorry, what?" I ask looking at Jess.

"You don't have to worry about her, that was years ago. It's old news!" Sophia tries to cover up her slip up.

"I don't believe you," I admit. And I don't. Sophia didn't even sound like she believed herself just then.

"Okay fine, honestly," Jess starts and I look over at her, "We don't like her, she only hangs with us because she's Max's sister, there's no way to tell him she can't come."

"I know I shouldn't ask," I sigh, "But why don't you like her?"

"She's sneaky. She only cares about herself, and she does that acting dumb thing. I don't know it's weird," Jess shrugs.

lucky star // jamie drysdaleWhere stories live. Discover now