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"Of course you're already up," Jamie's voice comes from behind me as he crosses from the hallway to the kitchen the next morning.

I look over my shoulder at him and smile, "Good morning."

"Morning," he wraps his uninjured arm around my torso as he kisses my neck.

"What's that?" He asks resting his chin on my shoulder. He's talking about what I've got put together on the stove top waiting to go in the oven.

"A quiche!" I smile excitedly looking down at the pie pan. I made the crust out of some random crackers they had and mixed up the filling with the assortment of veggies, ham and cheese I grabbed at the store yesterday.

"A what?" Jamie questions.

"It's kinda like an egg pie," I smile turning my head to look at him, "Trust me it'll be good."

"I trust you," he furrows his eyebrows looking down at the pan, "It just looks funny."

"I have to bake it first," I laugh.

"Oh okay," he laughs too, "That makes more sense."

The oven beeps signaling it's heated and ready.

"You're gonna have to let me go so I can put it in the oven," I turn to look at him.

"No," he says as his lips meet my shoulder. I've already changed out of my PJs into a tank top and sweatpants. 

"J," I giggle, he's got the smallest bit of scruff lining his jawline, "That tickles."

Jamie ignores me and keeps kissing me. Trailing kisses across my shoulder to my neck as his hand slides across my stomach giving me goosebumps. I can't help but melt into him.

"Mas and Trev are gonna be up soon," I warn.

"I don't care," he says as he tucks some of my hair behind my ear and his lips meet my jaw.

"Jamie," I turn around in his hold, and he looks down at me with those big innocent puppy dog eyes.

I wrap my hand around his chin and I try to be serious even though I don't really want him to stop, "Control yourself, Drysdale."

"Yeah, control yourself, Drysdale," Mason chirps joining us from the hallway.

"Told you," I tease as my hand slowly leaves his skin as he walks away while Mason goes to fill a cup with coffee on the other side of the kitchen.

Jamie's pouting like a little kid and I'm trying not to laugh as I turn back to the oven sliding the tray with the quiche on it into the oven.

I set a timer for fourteen minutes and join the boys in the living room to wait.

They're both on their phones, until music starts playing from my brother's room and it acts like a signal to them to start getting ready.

These boys and their game day routines.

I roll my eyes with amusement as Mason gets off the couch and heads down the hall to start getting ready like it's second nature to him. He doesn't even set his phone down, his eyes are on his phone as he makes his way to his room.

Jamie stays sitting on his phone though. It kinda makes me sad. I know he wishes he was going and I kind of do too because I know how happy being on the ice makes him.

"We should make a list of movies we want to watch!" I smile trying to think of a way to make the start of his recovery fun.

"Okay," Jamie hums obviously a bit confused. I get up from the chair I'm in and join him on the couch, pulling out my phone to start a list.

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